The most awesome picture of the day thread!

Bellus angel chowing down on some mysis.

New nano with corals courtesy of richard. (X factor, Birdsnest, red monti)
FYI, for everyone using tapatalk uploading pics like myself. The image will not show up anywhere aside from your phone as im sure youve been noticing. The way around it for now is if you upload via tapatalk you have to also go to the thread via your phone browser and just hit edit thread and save and the image will show up. Its a hack and its almost like doing work twice but it still allows you to upload the image to tapatalks server instead of having to upload it to photobucket or imageshack, save it, copy the img url and then post the url via the browser.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Im sure noone cares, but it works. :)
FYI, for everyone using tapatalk uploading pics like myself. The image will not show up anywhere aside from your phone as im sure youve been noticing. The way around it for now is if you upload via tapatalk you have to also go to the thread via your phone browser and just hit edit thread and save and the image will show up. Its a hack and its almost like doing work twice but it still allows you to upload the image to tapatalks server instead of having to upload it to photobucket or imageshack, save it, copy the img url and then post the url via the browser.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Im sure noone cares, but it works. :)

Good to know. I wondered why no one was commenting on my photography skills. Was about to change my name to Armandoporksandwitch to see if I could somehow get popular.
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I see everyone's pics. I don't get it??

If you viewing it via tapatalk you wont have an issue. Its only the people that are viewing via a browser, be it on a desktop or on their phone who will have an issues. For example, your following post, this is what i saw on my screen...


No quotes, no images...just the text version.

Sorry if im confusing everyone....lets get back on topic, lol.
If you viewing it via tapatalk you wont have an issue. Its only the people that are viewing via a browser, be it on a desktop or on their phone who will have an issues. For example, your following post, this is what i saw on my screen...


No quotes, no images...just the text version.

Sorry if im confusing everyone....lets get back on topic, lol.

Ok. Got it. I had no idea

This is hardly an awesome picture, it's actually quite depressing. But, you get what you pay for (or in this case, my scoly got what I paid for).

So a while ago, I bought a neon goby and was in a hurry, so for the first time ever I decided to not dip the fish prior to putting him in the tank. I figured id never seen a neon goby with ick so whatever. In the words of Gob Bluth, "I made a huuuge mistake."

Sure enough, what followed was probably the most intense ick outbreak I'd ever had. It killed one flasher wrasse, one gramma, and last but not least, it disabled this black ice clown enough so that the scoly was able to take him down when he swam by.

I'm sure it was the equivalent of a lobster dinner for the scoly. Poor little guy. He looks sad in the pic.