The most awesome picture of the day thread!

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Got this as a frag from Rogger. Forgot what it called. Let us know rogger
Yes, I remember that Acro, World wide corals sold it to me by the name of highlighter green acro, I still have a piece of that at a friends house.
did this one go to living reef too? I stared at some of the colonies they got from you for hours. Everything was HUGE

Yes, that Tri color stag colony went to Living reef orlando when I put my tank down, that is a super fast grower Acro, I should be able to get a piece back from just about everyone in this club, I must have frag that coral 1000 times over the years
wow rich, great shot of you tube anemone. did you get a macro lens?

I want that trigger fish ( :

Some of my favs


You can see 7 of Rogers old colors in there. Tricolor, ponape, bird of paradise, ora green, the red montis, jaquilinae, and highlighter (i think)