New member
Just my .02
I'd have a conversation with the teacher and lay out the two options. Sump vs no sump with canister and possible fuge. And the pros and cons. Either way the teacher and or students will need to be hands. If you stay with the canister. Maybe remove the mechanical filter element from it to prevent clogging. I know this sounds weird.
How are they topping off the tank?
If the canister is getting salt creep bad, it's not sealing up good. Maybe the o-ring is bad?
Marvin, the top-off hasn't been much of an issue because they keep the temp relatively cool (though she did mention that the AC gets shut off on weekends) and the fact that as of this moment, they have a glass lid on the tank. Normally I don't like the idea of the lid for gas exchange reasons, so this may be removed when there are more students involved and "boots on ground" regarding student tank maintenance.
The canister itself had no salt creep on the casing. Only up on the glass hood and the light. The O-ring seemed to be in good shape, but some of the smaller rubber o-rings for the filter layer pass-throughs were a little rough. We were able to remove a couple of them and re-position them however.