The Perfect Sump?


New member
If your running things on the side like a calcium/carbon reactor, is it still necessary or even necessary at all to have a Wet/Dry filtration with a refugium/fuge skimmer setup? I.E. a pre mechanical filtration like Bio balls/filter floss/purigen/carbon/mesh screen. I've always wondered because I've ran soly a skimmer and refugium setup in the past without any problems, however, I didn't know if the more filtration the better, despite having side reactors for things like these.

Any technical input is valued as well
IMO skimmer,a good filter sock,reactors,and a fuge has always done well for me. keep it simple, although i cant stop getting caught up in the technology side :)
I think the perpect sump would not be the perfect sump on all systems . For me filter socks would not be part of my sump . My sump is a center return style with a drain running to each end for me it works great but for someone else it may not work so good . Each tank has different needs an the end user has different goals for there tanks . To me the perfect sump would be one that works well for the tank an user .

I think the perpect sump would not be the perfect sump on all systems . For me filter socks would not be part of my sump . My sump is a center return style with a drain running to each end for me it works great but for someone else it may not work so good . Each tank has different needs an the end user has different goals for there tanks . To me the perfect sump would be one that works well for the tank an user .


X2. Oddly enough, I have the same style sump - center return, two drains that supply either end - one fast (skimmer-side) and one slow (refugium-side). It's a really nice design that's also easy to control and work with.
If your running things on the side like a calcium/carbon reactor, is it still necessary or even necessary at all to have a Wet/Dry filtration with a refugium/fuge skimmer setup? I.E. a pre mechanical filtration like Bio balls/filter floss/purigen/carbon/mesh screen. I've always wondered because I've ran soly a skimmer and refugium setup in the past without any problems, however, I didn't know if the more filtration the better, despite having side reactors for things like these.

Any technical input is valued as well

I think you answered your own question too. You said you have run solely a skimmer and fuge with no issues...seems like that is the perfect sump for you.

I have seen people that don't run any skimmer but just a large fug and reactor such as the one below. Beautiful tank so I would think his sump is perfect for him as it serves its intednded purpose.

You individual needs will determine that is "perfect" for you.
I too have a center return one side fuge one side skimmer i run gfo and calcium and the pump for those reactors are in the fast skimmer side and they return into the center. I want a very simple setup and I can't be happier w/ my results. I think Shakira said it best "Coral Growth Don't Lie"
if you could make return pump, skimmer, reactors, sterilizers, or whatever all on one continuous loop to where you dont need a tank for a sump. all water goes through each stage before being returned to the tank.

maybe if i designed one i would be a millionaire.
You could use a hang on the back skimmer and then you could eliminate the sump. I personally find it easier to just use a sump. then you can have your heater, ato, probes, and anything else you need down there out if the display tank.
Having the sump also helps with creating a buffer of sorts with the added water volume. I wouldn't run a tank without it.
Having a over sized skimmer and good sized sump is a good thing I say. Protein skimmers do not take everything out of the water so the felt filter socks come in handy.
My sump only serve to hold the skimmer, heater, pump for BRS reactor, and GAC. The best sump is honestly a clean sump.
I think its pretty safe to say that there SOME debate over: Biopellets, Carbon, Filter Socks etc

There is however very very little debate over the importance of a protein skimmer. That being said, why is it that i see skimmers in STORES all the friggen time that are not at a constant water level.

So regardless of whether or not you have a felt filter sock, mesh filter sock, refugium etc hell even BIOBALLs you NEED to have your skimmer in a baffled compartment. Like seriously an 1/8th of inch fluctuation is the difference of not skimming to overflowing.

That being said, i try not get my hands wet all that much. So if i were you, id go with a filter sock assembly (just to have), perhaps run a mesh filter sock, most skimmers like 8-10" of depth. but who wants baffles that short?? not i! raise the skimmer up 3-4 inches or more. Id go with a refugium on reverse night day cycle to stabilize your ph. Doesnt have to be a large fuge, just somthing is great. And an Auto Top Off or ATO. I dont care who you are if you have a descent skimmer running at a constant water level, with an ATO and semi regular water changes, you will have a solid tank.
Like so...:)

Getting more confused with what is needed in a saltwater aquarium..Love that everybody has their way of doing the same topic..
If I have to have a sump, the perfect one might have a rounded bottom so water could flow in a half-circle, thus reducing food particles collecting at the bottom. Very expensive though.

However, if I can avoid a sump entirely, I'll do that. Simpler, and all the food particles stay in the display to be eaten by the corals and small fish.
Getting more confused with what is needed in a saltwater aquarium..Love that everybody has their way of doing the same topic..

The perfect sump for one isn't the perfect sump for another. Some run reactors and skimmers and some don't. Everyone here has a different opinion, if you really want to learn what is needed to keep a reef aquarium pick up a book called the reef aquarium written by Julian Sprung and James Delbeek i believe is his last name. Has everything you could want to know about keeping saltwater aquariums:reading: