The Perfect Sump?

Thanks for the advice..I am looking to get a 75 gal rimless with a Glass hole overflow..A large sump 36x16x16,,Vertex 150 omega skimmer with 2 reactors with carbon/gfs media..One of my main questions is what size return pump....I am planning only to have a coral tank with some inverts like shrimp/crabs..not many fish at all..only fish would be necessary evils only..Curious to know what is the best turnover/tank circulation per hour for my return pump is best for my situation..
The perfect sump for one isn't the perfect sump for another. Some run reactors and skimmers and some don't. Everyone here has a different opinion, if you really want to learn what is needed to keep a reef aquarium pick up a book called the reef aquarium written by Julian Sprung and James Delbeek i believe is his last name. Has everything you could want to know about keeping saltwater aquariums:reading:
i think its pretty safe to say that there some debate over: Biopellets, carbon, filter socks etc

i dont care who you are if you have a descent skimmer running at a constant water level, with an ato and semi regular water changes, you will have a solid tank.

Thanks for the advice..I am looking to get a 75 gal rimless with a Glass hole overflow..A large sump 36x16x16,,Vertex 150 omega skimmer with 2 reactors with carbon/gfs media..One of my main questions is what size return pump....I am planning only to have a coral tank with some inverts like shrimp/crabs..not many fish at all..only fish would be necessary evils only..Curious to know what is the best turnover/tank circulation per hour for my return pump is best for my situation..

The turn over thru the sump should closely match what your skimmer can process per hr, otherwise the skimmer isn't doing it job correctly