The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Michael - Tank is looking great! Very cleanly layed out. The rock really looks mature and nice and porous. I just like the simpleness of your tank. Not too much distraction that takes your eyes away from the entire front view. Very nicely planned out.

Blackthunda - My SPS have also started encrusting over the glue. It took about 2 months once I mounted them, but now the base on my Millie Acro is just about as wide as the colony is tall! I can see a couple spots on the base where you can tell is the start of a few new branches. My slowest grower is a Pink Pocillapora. It's just barely covered up the glue, and it's been in my tank for about a year. I have about 20 small branches, which is a big improvement from the 4 it had when I got it, but it just isn't growing a really nice base. I didn't know if that's common with that coral or if it was just mine.

Everybody keep the updates coming! Maybe we could all get an updated FTS and whatever other pics posted soon. (Boret you can be excused if you wish. I've seen more of your tank on here than I've seen my own at home! You really love taking pics huh? :) )
(Boret you can be excused if you wish. I've seen more of your tank on here than I've seen my own at home! You really love taking pics huh? :) )

LOL!!! I borrowed a friend's DSLR and took hundreds of pics!
OK no shots from me then ;)

Tanks are looking great guys. Keep the pictures coming!
Feel free to post more if you want! Your tank looks awesome, and i dont get tired of seeing it. Just saying that you've had recent FTS already. But if you'd like to post all the pics over some time, i'd love to see them. My computer is too slow if you post a whole page of pics at once:(
No worries Jim, I just get trigger happy with the pictures! :)
As soon as I have something interesting to show I will post.
heres an updated pic of mine.


Where can I see more photos of this system? I love the look of plating corals and this is spectacular... It's wonderful!
Fish in 54g corner overflow

Fish in 54g corner overflow

Does anyone have any tips for getting them out? Somehow I have a big 6 line wrasse stuck down there, and I don't see how to get him out easily without draining the tank and sliding out of the corner.

Best I can see is a wet/dry vac but that may tear him up....:o(
Sorry guys, not much of a change in the tank. I did however get this going. This is in the lobby of the building I work and live in.

Nice extra tank Jesse! It's pretty cool that you can just throw something together like that from all the spare parts you have lying around.

Well, everyone.......My wife and I are going through a time of separation right now. I've moved in with my parents and I don't really know if things are going to work out for us or not. We haven't been doing very well for about the last year and I decided to move out to give us both some space to think about things.

Anyways, in this time, my tank will be sitting and i'll be making a weekly trip home to drop the kids off and clean up the tank/water changes/dosing. I'm hoping that at this time with my parents, that i'll be able to talk them into setting up a tank at thier home. I've been wanting to use my old 20gal for some time, and i'm hoping that they'll want to stock it and keep it as a showpiece in thier home.

Hopefully you all don't think it's a selfish thing to think about a new tank when i've got more important issues in my life, but it would be a nice thing to take my mind off stuff when i'm away from home.

Keep the updates coming everyone! I just cleaned the tank and soaked the powerheads in vinegar/water, so hopefully flow will stay up and the powerheads will stay clean for a while. I'll get some pics up probably over the weekend or sometime early next week.
Got the Corner tank, now time to decide how I want to do it. I think I'm going the way of Boret with 1 400W MH light. The current plans are to do a seahorse / reef. Yes, I know these don't always work out, and chilling the water with a 400W MH bulb above it will be a pain.
Only an issue in the summer. I use a small 1/10HP chiller (I have about 180 gal total system volume) and it is enough to lower a few degrees whenever the tank was hitting 79.5 this summer. Now, during the winter it doesn't even reach 78 with the MH on.

BTW, no pictures this time :cool: but I finally got a decent video.
You can check it out here:
If you have the bandwidth try the HD version.
Boret - WOW!!!! Tank looks awesome! I love all the fish you have. It really gives a ton of movement to the tank, and the high flow also helps. I can't believe how quickly your tank has matured. Very nicely done!
Only an issue in the summer. I use a small 1/10HP chiller (I have about 180 gal total system volume) and it is enough to lower a few degrees whenever the tank was hitting 79.5 this summer. Now, during the winter it doesn't even reach 78 with the MH on.

BTW, no pictures this time :cool: but I finally got a decent video.
You can check it out here:
If you have the bandwidth try the HD version.

I'm aiming for 72 degrees. Thinking about going with 1/4hp chiller with similar water volume.
reefscape15, sorry to hear about the tough times you're going through... :/ hoepfully your tank(s) can help you feel a little at peace. I hope everything works out for everyone envolved. let me know if you need any help with your tanks, I'm in the ROC, not too far!
I'm aiming for 72 degrees. Thinking about going with 1/4hp chiller with similar water volume.

L98-Z if you want to reach/keep that temp I wouldn't do MHs. I would actually look at a custom made LED setup. You can check the prices at www rapidled com for retrofit kits. It is a great way to go, all the heat dissipates upwards and very little goes into the tank. It will save you a bunch of money in your electric bill and replacement bulbs (you shouldn't need to replace LEDs for about 10 years of normal use) and might even make the chiller a moot point. You are not going to keep SPS (not at 72 F) so you shouldn't be worried about coral growth. Just something to think about.
L98-Z if you want to reach/keep that temp I wouldn't do MHs. I would actually look at a custom made LED setup. You can check the prices at www rapidled com for retrofit kits. It is a great way to go, all the heat dissipates upwards and very little goes into the tank. It will save you a bunch of money in your electric bill and replacement bulbs (you shouldn't need to replace LEDs for about 10 years of normal use) and might even make the chiller a moot point. You are not going to keep SPS (not at 72 F) so you shouldn't be worried about coral growth. Just something to think about.

I'm familiar with LEDs. I've thought about building my own as well. Almost makes my EE background feel useful. Not sure I was aiming for SPS, though soft/some LPS will probably be used.

I'll have to think about it.
I am not familiar with lower temperature tanks so I am not sure what is it that you can keep in there. There are some deep sea SPS and mushrooms I've heard about, and somethings about cold tanks, but they kept them at lower temps.
I think a 92 is huge for Sea Horses :)
I am not familiar with lower temperature tanks so I am not sure what is it that you can keep in there. There are some deep sea SPS and mushrooms I've heard about, and somethings about cold tanks, but they kept them at lower temps.
I think a 92 is huge for Sea Horses :)

SPS corals can be kept at lower temperatures as well. Atleast, some people have had experience doing that. I'm not huge on the SPS corals though, at most, I'd try for a birdsnest and maybe a cap.

It won't be just seahorses, but all fish will be compatiable with them. They're really the main focus. I think I can make a 400 W MH bulb work, but you're right, it may hit the electric bill more than I want.

I'm still undecided right now. I'm aiming to have this tank setup sometime in March.