The Reef Central Corner Club Thread





Internal corner:

Thanks man!! Here are some pictures after I painted it.
I really liked the wood color, but the stand was already painted, and sanding was more work than painting :)
I also painted the inside in white to add a bit more reflective capabilities.






And the final product:

2004. I sold it, I have a Suzuki DL1000 Vstrom now :)
This one is from a trip this year to "The Tail of the Dragon":

I replaced my 05 with an 05 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 classic... I don't really like the lines on the bike.. i bought it to customize it... yet another project i've not started that costs way too much...
I was planning on doing something the same with my canopy, and have the entire front flip up like yours. I may have to put a couple more braces in, but I wanted 2 small doors on the front too so I didn't have to flip the whole top up if I just needed to get something small in there. And, when did you make your cut across the top for your flip-up? Did you do it before, and then match the bracing up to it or did you get it all together and then cut it? I've seen it done both ways, but getting everything together and then cutting it seems much simpler. Scarier yet simpler.:)
Hey guys, quick question. I am changing out my RODI, and ran into a problem. Its the 1st time I've tried changing them since this is the first time I get readings not 0. So, I changed the 1st 2 cartridges but the 2nd 2 cartridges look like carbon reactors or something? a pair of sponges surrounding a black dust, looks like carbon but I don't know. Is that what it is and I just need to replace that or what else could it be?


Oh and I went to my LFS and explained that I was going to try and test for metals or something with a poly pad that would change color and the LFS guy looked at me like I was off my rocker. So Boret, did I describe that right or am I way off in my description of how you suggested I test?

Thanks again.
Hey guys, quick question. I am changing out my RODI, and ran into a problem. Its the 1st time I've tried changing them since this is the first time I get readings not 0. So, I changed the 1st 2 cartridges but the 2nd 2 cartridges look like carbon reactors or something? a pair of sponges surrounding a black dust, looks like carbon but I don't know. Is that what it is and I just need to replace that or what else could it be?


Oh and I went to my LFS and explained that I was going to try and test for metals or something with a poly pad that would change color and the LFS guy looked at me like I was off my rocker. So Boret, did I describe that right or am I way off in my description of how you suggested I test?

Thanks again.

Where are you measuring TDS? Before and after of the membrane? That way you can find out if the issue is at the pre-filters or the membrane.
The carbon is ok, those are your pre filters.

If your LFS doesn't know what a poly-filter pad is then I wouldn't trust their livestock ;) Maybe we are finally narrowing down your fish deaths problem.

This is what I am talking about:


I was planning on doing something the same with my canopy, and have the entire front flip up like yours. I may have to put a couple more braces in, but I wanted 2 small doors on the front too so I didn't have to flip the whole top up if I just needed to get something small in there. And, when did you make your cut across the top for your flip-up? Did you do it before, and then match the bracing up to it or did you get it all together and then cut it? I've seen it done both ways, but getting everything together and then cutting it seems much simpler. Scarier yet simpler.:)

You can do both, but I did the cut out of the piece that hinges first and then attached the vertical wood pieces. Just in case I messed up the cut.
the TDS meter has a switch to see in and out. It's wired to the last chamber. So Where my water flows in I changed that filters. Looks like a very dense roll of paper towels. The second chamber the water goes into I changed, that looks similar but with like a fish net mesh stocking around it. Chambers 3 and 4 and the exact same, sponge on either side of a powder that looks like carbon. Not sure if this is carbon? Do I need to change these out also? Clean / Change the sponges in the chambers?
Might as well. Those are the sediment and carbon filters. They stop the larger impurities and extend the life of your membrane which should last about 2 years. There are many factors to keep in mind, if I were you I would check the Air, Water & Ice site or their forum on RC, you can also call Cliff at AWI, he is very helpful. Check also The Filter Guys site or forum on RC. Both companies are favorites among reefers and are very helpful.

I measure TDS after those filters but before the membrane, and on the final output. That way I can tell what needs to be replaced.
awesome, thanks for the help. And I agree about the LFS, they asked about filtration, told them I have an ATI skimmer. They couldn't believe I don't use a wet dry filter, which I did use about 10 years ago on my FO tank but things have changed and advanced. Might have to start traveling to Austin to get my livestock, that'll be a long drive. But that's way down the road, gotta try and see if any of this will actually help or not.
I am not crazy about online (prefer to support LFS) but Live Aquaria has a great reputation, and has a 14 day guarantee! Shipping might be cheaper than driving to Austin ;)
Boret - I am kinda scared of putting it all together and then cutting it all apart! Maybe when I get to the point of putting the doors on, I'll get the bracing done and just cut pieces to fit. I'd really hate to run off my line with the saw and have to start over again.

Lotusstar - I agree with Boret about the LFS. If they don't know what a poly filter is, and if they are still suggesting running wet/dry, maybe they aren't the best fish keepers. It may be worth your while to order online or drive somewhere else. Hopefully all gets figured out!
Boret - I am kinda scared of putting it all together and then cutting it all apart! Maybe when I get to the point of putting the doors on, I'll get the bracing done and just cut pieces to fit. I'd really hate to run off my line with the saw and have to start over again.

That's what I did, because my vertical pieces are nailed and glued to the top piece with the hinges. So I cut first, put the hinges and then added the vertical boards.
I think i'll go that route. I don't want to take the chance of messing things up once they're already done. Another question. Did you seal up the cracks in your canopy? I remember seeing someone's tank on here, and they used a caulk to seal up the corners and such so light wasn't flooding the room. I'd really like to keep the light just within the canopy and not have it spraying my walls.
Ahh yes. the trusty old jig saw. I deffinately need to get one sometime. I have been making all my cuts with a circular saw. All my miter joints have been freehand with a circular on everything i've built, and plunge cuts with that saw are my answer to a cut like yours. Probably wayyyyy easier with a jigsaw!