The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Anyone here run VorTechs on their 92s?

My display is tight against one wall, and a few inches from the other.
There is enough room on the "away" side to mount the vortechs.
I currently have one on that side but want to increse the flow and take advantage of the new echo programming.

Any suggestions?


I only run one on my 92, had to move it when I re-plumbed my tank so now it is almost all the way to the front on one of the side. I have thought of adding another on the other side, to get a more randomness but I do not have the cash for another. I am waiting out the new programming to see if there is anything worthwhile for me.

To take full advantage of the new programming, I beleive three are needed.

They have added a few new features not requiring three though.

Check out the EchoTech Marine website.
Hey guys,
So I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was tearing down and rebuilding my tank to try and figure out what the issue was with my tank. Why my inverts and corals lived fine but all my fish were dying quickly. So, I finally have tank pics of the rebuild for everyone, hope you like. I'm actually quite proud of the aquascaping job I did, and it only took about an hour to do. I sold off all my soft corals, except for one. It was really cool and everyone loved it so had to keep it, it's the hammer coral thing in the center of the tank. At least I think it's a hammer coral, I'm not good with coral names. A friend of mine gave me a handful of fake corals to put in the tank to give it a little bit of color until I get SPS going in the tank, then will take the fake corals out.



From the right side of the tank


From the left side of the tank


And my first new fish in the tank, a royal gramma. We had a small incident after I put him in the tank he disappeared for more than a full day, never saw him. But now he actually stays out mostly and is great. First time I had a fish pose for pictures it seems.



Hope to get a couple chromis soon and start stocking this rebuild.
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Hey guys,
So I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I was tearing down and rebuilding my tank to try and figure out what the issue was with my tank. Why my inverts and corals lived fine but all my fish were dying quickly. So, I finally have tank pics of the rebuild for everyone, hope you like. I'm actually quite proud of the aquascaping job I did, and it only took about an hour to do. I sold off all my soft corals, except for one. It was really cool and everyone loved it so had to keep it, it's the hammer coral thing in the center of the tank. At least I think it's a hammer coral, I'm not good with coral names. A friend of mine gave me a handful of fake corals to put in the tank to give it a little bit of color until I get SPS going in the tank, then will take the fake corals out.



From the right side of the tank


From the left side of the tank


And my first new fish in the tank, a royal gramma. We had a small incident after I put him in the tank he disappeared for more than a full day, never saw him. But now he actually stays out mostly and is great. First time I had a fish pose for pictures it seems.



Hope to get a couple chromis soon and start stocking this rebuild.

For some reasons, I can't see any of your pictures.
New LED light

New LED light

I know I haven't been following this thread for a while so I thought I would post a few pictures of my tank with new LED light as an update. Same camera settings in all pictures. All were taken the same evening while I was changing the lights so I can compare the before and after effects.

This is my tank with my old lights (250W in the middle + 150W on left HQI MH + 142W Dual actinic)

This is my tank with a MS 230W LED (4x30W + 34x3W on). Most fish went hiding because of the brightness.

This picture was taken with just 2x30W and 34x3W on. More pleasant to the eyes.

Only 15 3W blue are on. The florescent colors are just amazing.
Just got this moved over from a 1 year old 40 breeder. Believe it or not, there are two fish in these pictures. I have four more coming in on Friday as well as a good sized clean up crew.




What do you think?
Very nice aquascape! Are the rocks touching the sides of the tank? I found it hard to keep the side glass clean once the coraline algae starts. I really like your clean look. Thanks for sharing!
Was hopeing someone would chime in here, I have a 250w hqi bulb running with an icecap ballast. I wanted to upgrade to one of the nicer reflectors for my 92g corner. Wanted to hear what you folks are using. Im really likeing the Hamilton Cayman Sun reflector. Right now Im running a standard hqi reflector....not very impressive.
hi guys, good to see everyones tank doing well. its been a while since i have really particapted in here, probably because i hadnt been doin anything to my tank but let it grow.

but yesterday, a friend of mine finally convinced me to reaquascape and remove all my SPS killing yellow polyps and Xenia. also the Yellow Tang and pair of Tomato Clownfish came out, they were real bullies. the tank almost looks empty now, those 2 corals took up a good 50% of the room in the tank. hopefully ill get some pics up in the next couple of days. good news though, now there is plenty of room for SPS and i picked up a trio of McCoskers Flasher Wrasse's. all three of which have eaten and seem to be doin well.
hi guys, good to see everyones tank doing well. its been a while since i have really particapted in here, probably because i hadnt been doin anything to my tank but let it grow.

but yesterday, a friend of mine finally convinced me to reaquascape and remove all my SPS killing yellow polyps and Xenia. also the Yellow Tang and pair of Tomato Clownfish came out, they were real bullies. the tank almost looks empty now, those 2 corals took up a good 50% of the room in the tank. hopefully ill get some pics up in the next couple of days. good news though, now there is plenty of room for SPS and i picked up a trio of McCoskers Flasher Wrasse's. all three of which have eaten and seem to be doin well.

I too am trying to add more SPS to my tank and sold or gave away some of my softies to make room. Interesting you mentioned Xenia. As I finally getting my nutrients level (nitrate and phosphate) to zero, my Xenia colonies just slowing dying or disappearing. I guess they do need PO4 to survive.
xenia def do like water with nutrients. my levels where never bad and i love xenia corals but they spread to quick and take up to much room for what i want now.

Xenia does go throught periods of die back though. mine a had done it once before and a couple of stalks did again a few weeks ago. so unless its totally gone it will come back.
Well I guess this thread is kind of dying off a little. Hope to see the new corners progress if people are posting pics of their build. My tank hasn't really had anything new done to it besides more frags. Getting a good collection of SPS and adding a few more shrooms and Zoas. I have a Bi-Color Pseudochromis and Bi-Color Angel that I need to get out of the tank, but I'm not having good luck with that.........
Heres a few recent shots of my tank. I battled ich a while ago and lost my powder brown tang. :( Things are on the up-n-up now and looking good. I picked up a radiant wrasse the other day!






