The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Michael - I think it's time for you to post a recent FTS. I know you can check under your blog, and I'm just about to, but for everyone who checks this thread out, you should post just to have it on. I mean, after all, you are the starter!

BTW, I just traded a frag of a Pink/Purple/Teal Chalice and a handful of Cheato/Caulerpa mix for a 4" Green Nepthea and Blue Trumpet with about 10 heads!
Michael - I think it's time for you to post a recent FTS. I know you can check under your blog, and I'm just about to, but for everyone who checks this thread out, you should post just to have it on. I mean, after all, you are the starter!

BTW, I just traded a frag of a Pink/Purple/Teal Chalice and a handful of Cheato/Caulerpa mix for a 4" Green Nepthea and Blue Trumpet with about 10 heads!
My 92 Corner

My 92 Corner

Hi havent posted in quite awhile and figured I would upload some pics. Sorry, but Im not the best cameraman.


Left side of aquarium:


Right side of aquarium:
If you look closely you can see my pair of maroon's clutch of eggs up against the wall.





Nice tank. I love the button polyps in the last pic. Did ya get them at one of the stores on Bird Road, or at Gables?
Ooops, just realized I called them buttons. You know that you can find them under the Rickenbocker(sp?) right? I love to be there when people break down their tanks....if you help me get rid of this thing, I will give you a nice selection of corals.....LOVE TO HELP.
Eric, the candy bass is awesome! Was it tough to get?
I see them for sale here in Miami pretty regularly. Figure its because its a local fish.
Im surprised he snuck in there for one of the pictures. He likes to lurk in the shadows and comes out for feedings. Beautiful fish, had him now for about 2 years. Was afraid I might loose him when I added the mystery wrasse. The mystery wrasse started picking on him relentlessly after a few days in the tank.
Luckily everybody now gets along great.
pdabj - Is there any more pictures you could post? Whats your tank setup consist of? Pretty amazing collection of softies and clowns!

flfireman - Your tank does look pretty amazing, but my comp connection is slow (DSL :( ), so I can only get the top 1/2 of all your pics. There's just too many of that size on the same page for me to see them. I'd love to see what the bottom of your tank looks like!!!!! :)

Michael - Thank you! I already know that your tank is awesome, but the passer by's might not. I'll try to get a few more updated pics of my tank up soon.

mlivvy - I haven't read your thread yet but am just about to. Just for future reference, you should post all your corner related questions here first, then go elsewhere if we can not help you. There are many tank owners here who have been around for quite some time, and with the challenges that we all face as corner keepers, there is a TON of quality knowledge here. Ok............going to post this then read your thread!
flfireman - I'd love to see what the bottom of your tank looks like!!!!!!
Funny you should ask, here you go.


As you can see, I got tired of cramming everything into that tiny space and plumbed everything into the garage which sits behind the wall where the display is. Everything now sits in a closet which I converted into my "fish closet"

I was able to upgrade to a 40 gallon sump and a seperate 20 gallor fuge. Also not seen in the pic is an aquaripure denitrator.
Hopefully someone here can help me with my corner tank. I'm in the process of determining how I want to set this tank up exactly. The sump(s) will be located in the basement and the chiller in the garage. The current problem I'm having is the canopy.

I bought a 92 gal corner tank with a stand and canopy already built. Simple design, but should look good once a coat of paint is on it. The issue is that it doesn't have doors at all. This isn't a big deal since the sump(s) and skimmer will be located in the basement, but it does present an issue when cleaning the tank or feeding.

So my idea was to set up to linear actuators that lift the canopy when I push a button. Okay... easy enough, except the mounting of these. The canopy is going to be holding 4 rather large heatsinks with LEDs and the wires associated with them. This tends to be a decent amount of weight. If I mounted two linear actuators across the rear of the tank/canopy, I believe that there would be either too much pressure on the canopy/stand or they may not be strong enough.

Any ideas on how to assist the linear actuators or a way to make this work easier? There has to be a way to lift this canopy without me manually doing it each time. A pulley/lift system is out of the question due to height of my ceiling. I simply wouldn't want a long cable like that visible at all times. I'm aiming for a very "clean" design system.
WOW! I love the idea of the linear actuators! If you are planning on only using two, you will have to perfectly balance the weight of the canopy on the actuators, or you will likely end up bumping into it and toppeling the entire thing over. If the rear sides of your tank are up against a wall, or not too visible, you may be able to put two actuators on each side. I would mount the base of the actuator to the stand, and then mount the moving end to the canopy. You could put two up close towards the front edges and then two towards the back corner. You may need to add some bracing from the base of the stand to the top of the stand, but this would take the stress off of the glass of the tank and re-apply it down to the stand.

I really like the idea that you have, and if you can pull it off, you better log your success with lots of photos! Good luck!
WOW! I love the idea of the linear actuators! If you are planning on only using two, you will have to perfectly balance the weight of the canopy on the actuators, or you will likely end up bumping into it and toppeling the entire thing over. If the rear sides of your tank are up against a wall, or not too visible, you may be able to put two actuators on each side. I would mount the base of the actuator to the stand, and then mount the moving end to the canopy. You could put two up close towards the front edges and then two towards the back corner. You may need to add some bracing from the base of the stand to the top of the stand, but this would take the stress off of the glass of the tank and re-apply it down to the stand.

I really like the idea that you have, and if you can pull it off, you better log your success with lots of photos! Good luck!

I was trying to figure it out while I was at work today. I'm thinking about using 2 gas shocks in the rear near the overflow. This is to "hold" the rear as the 2 linear actuators push at the corners. I didn't think about the balance issue, that certainly does play a part. The actuators are very strong, so that shouldn't be an issue either. Everything is against a wall, so worse case you pick around the side and see one. I'm not against that.

I do want to add some bracing to the canopy. The stand may need some as well, but it's better built than the canopy. I'll be sure to take pictures. Hopefully I can do it under $300. I already have a 12VDC marine battery that I use as a backup for the tank. It's on a charger so it won't hurt to use it once a day or so.
Sounds like an awesome idea. I think you will most likely have to use 3 actuators at the least. 2 at the front corners, and you could get away with 1 as close to the back corner as possible. I know that the stand will probably take the weight, but a little added sense of security definitely won't hurt.