The road to the Up grade......

twas the night before the up grade and all through the house not a fish was sturring not even a crab.

The rodi was processing all the water with care in hopes that Batt600 arrives with urgent care

When all of a sudden there rose such a clatter I jumped out of bed to see what was the matter, when to my eyes what did I see the rodi hose spilling out water as fast as can be.

The floor and the hall were all went, and then I said to my self why the H**** do we do this

:lol2: ... you a reefkeeper or a writer now Anthony?
well I cracked the sump and thank for I had a back up one. I am now done started at 10 in the morning till now. I have over 60 pounds of rock. All the frags are opened and over 90 gallons used of water. All I have to say is Thank God I have esv salt cause the alk and cal and mag all evened out.

As of now I am alk 9.10 cal is 490 and mag is 1500

trates zero phosphats are zero and temp is at 76.

I had a hugeeeeee problem with the temp but all is ok now and I have 2 150 watts, both are leveled at 82.

Mag 9.5 pump and 2 skimmers mtc and soon to be the octo extream with red devil needle wheel.
and you all thought mr clean just stood there with his arms crossed lookin sparkly..he's actually a poet lmao

Glad to see despite the little water mess it's all workin out brotha take some pics before the meet so we can see what's goin on!
Adding the octo soon on the tank with the red devil needle wheel.

I am going to post up more pictures on the site now so you all were saying where are the pictures, well they are up.
The new picture of the tank is bad, I know. I am going to re take pictures tonight and since I have the photo bucket app, I am going to up load them tonight.

Thank you Harry for showing me how to drop pictures on rc. It is very easy.