I dropped a big hint as to what you should get today, it's $300- and will do the entire display Domster, with no other pumps required. :thumbsup:
Dom picked me up and we went to Deer Park aquarium today. Instead of walking straight over to the fish tanks he went right to the SPS holding tank - i was so proud of him............... until i realized that the rare fish he wanted was being kept with the acros. :headwalls:
Dave, Mark and Dom........... i can't even believe i saw this, but it happened........ the three stooges lifted egg crates of acros OUT OF THE $%%@ WATER and sat them on the ground so they could catch his %$@$#@ stupid fish !

AND........ he then spent the rest of the 3 hours resisting the temptation to buy a pair of $500- clownfish !
When you hang out with a fish head like Dom at the LFS, bad things can happen......... angelfish purchase bad............. :reading: