The Scleractinia Shallows

Nice shots Dom!!
Your tank is looking really good!

Love the "artistic" shot :lolspin:

Thankd Flo! :) I'm definitely happy, the alk is steady and I brought it up a few notches to 7.5 as it's been at 6.5 the last couple of weeks :)

Always enjoy taking them haha

Get that ca rx dialed down! Let's see the growth.

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We're getting there :D I'm seeing more growth than I've ever had in any of my tanks lol
Hi Dom,

I was way back on page 27 so had a lot of catching up to do. Glad to see the display looking so good and growing in. Sorry about the wrasse. :(

Always nice to see a new tank get into the swing of things.
What pumps are you using right now? I see the Tunze 6045 in the back, those are nice
Two RW-8's and the Tunze (6025 I think). Part of me wants to try some vortechs but that's an expensive trial :debi:

Hi Dom,

I was way back on page 27 so had a lot of catching up to do. Glad to see the display looking so good and growing in. Sorry about the wrasse. :(

Always nice to see a new tank get into the swing of things.
Thanks Mark, we're getting there :) Hopefully I can keep the swing of things rolling! I'm thinking about starting up some trace dosing as well :)
Two RW-8's and the Tunze (6025 I think). Part of me wants to try some vortechs but that's an expensive trial :debi:

I dropped a big hint as to what you should get today, it's $300- and will do the entire display Domster, with no other pumps required. :thumbsup:

Dom picked me up and we went to Deer Park aquarium today. Instead of walking straight over to the fish tanks he went right to the SPS holding tank - i was so proud of him............... until i realized that the rare fish he wanted was being kept with the acros. :headwalls:

Dave, Mark and Dom........... i can't even believe i saw this, but it happened........ the three stooges lifted egg crates of acros OUT OF THE $%%@ WATER and sat them on the ground so they could catch his %$@$#@ stupid fish ! :mad: :angryfire:

AND........ he then spent the rest of the 3 hours resisting the temptation to buy a pair of $500- clownfish !

When you hang out with a fish head like Dom at the LFS, bad things can happen......... angelfish purchase bad............. :reading:
Dom, Dom, Dom....
What is WRONG with you??!??
Andrew , you need better friends.

He's a bloody idiot when it comes to buying fish Matt !

OMG , Andrew. What is wrong with YOU!??!??
Bloody crazy the two of you.!!

There is lots wrong with me Matt, lots and lots and lots........:wavehand:

I was taking with a friend at a local frag swap this past weekend that keeps a blue face in his sps display! It's got me thinking of trying one. What do you think?

I would keep it a secret from a certain Canadian SPS keeper if i were you Brandon............. :p

I dropped a big hint as to what you should get today, it's $300- and will do the entire display Domster, with no other pumps required. :thumbsup:

Dom picked me up and we went to Deer Park aquarium today. Instead of walking straight over to the fish tanks he went right to the SPS holding tank - i was so proud of him............... until i realized that the rare fish he wanted was being kept with the acros. :headwalls:

Dave, Mark and Dom........... i can't even believe i saw this, but it happened........ the three stooges lifted egg crates of acros OUT OF THE $%%@ WATER and sat them on the ground so they could catch his %$@$#@ stupid fish ! :mad: :angryfire:

AND........ he then spent the rest of the 3 hours resisting the temptation to buy a pair of $500- clownfish !

When you hang out with a fish head like Dom at the LFS, bad things can happen......... angelfish purchase bad............. :reading:
Like you can talk, once you saw the majestic and all the wrasse, you completely forgot that acro's even existed :lol2:

I'm still tempted by those clowns!! Maybe they could be the sump b@stards haha
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Dom, Dom, Dom....
What is WRONG with you??!??
Andrew , you need better friends.
I am the best kind of friend :wavehand:

He's a bloody idiot when it comes to buying fish Matt !
There is lots wrong with me Matt, lots and lots and lots........:wavehand:
It is true that there's a lot wrong with you but at least you're able to pick out one of THE MOST gorgeous majestic angels I've ever seen!!

OMG , Andrew. What is wrong with YOU!??!??
Bloody crazy the two of you.!!
We were like kids in a candy store haha neither of us could contain our excitement over the fish in the store that we both were drooling over!
And the pièce de résistance of course is a fish I have been waiting a very long time to get my hands on! Something I have dreamed of and drooled over. I absolutely adore the Roaps family of butterflies and while Tinkers and Mitratus are a little out of my budget range, this gorgeous guy was not!

May I introduce to you, Burger, the chaetodon burgessi or Burgess Butterflyfish :inlove:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Ok. That butterfly is nice!
Ok.. and so is andrew’s angel.
Well, so are the clowns but maroon clowns are meeeeeeeean fish when they start breeding. I wouldn’t risk the carnage in a tank your size, Dom.
Not that my opinion means squat!!!
Haha... cheesus Christ Dom... that's just crazy :lolspin:

Andrew nice angel but aren't you guys afraid of those nipping at your corals?

Andrew nice angel but aren't you guys afraid of those nipping at your corals?


Not really Flo, Dave said it wasn't much worse than a regal in regards to damaging acros. Time will tell but i added some more angel food that should catch his eye before he starts eyeing off my SPS. :thumbsup:

Not really Flo, Dave said it wasn't much worse than a regal in regards to damaging acros. Time will tell but i added some more angel food that should catch his eye before he starts eyeing off my SPS. :thumbsup:


Okay Hope it works out
Are so beautiful fish

Is that a flubber picture "Mr. SPS are the only true coral"?