The SHARK meeting


Premium Member
We had a good turnout , for our first meeting , and I think everyone had a good time . I know I had a super good time , and it was great meeting some new people , and seeing some old friends . Come on out and join us , the SHARK bite isn't a bad thing .

SHARK is looking for someone to host the November meeting . If you would like to host the November , or any other meeting , please let us know .

We are also looking for people to fill board positions , so keep that in mind .
Thanks for hosting a great meeting. Your tank looks great. You had a great turnout. Good seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I really enjoyed meeting Nate and Matt. Russ and I had a wonderful time. Great food too!. We hope to make more SHARK meetings in the future. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Sue , It was a lot of fun , and I thank you , and Russ for all your support . I am looking forward to the TBRC meeting Saturday . Ted