The showstopper...

you mentioned a blue throat trigger. A crosshatch or sargassum would be prettier and more interesting.

+1 on these depending on budget.

Also I have been thinking of adding a Long Horn Cowfish to my tank as more an odd ball edition as well. They will give you a similar shape and personality as the puffers
+1 on these depending on budget.

Also I have been thinking of adding a Long Horn Cowfish to my tank as more an odd ball edition as well. They will give you a similar shape and personality as the puffers
Love the sagassum trigger... and long horn cowfish certainly fits the bill. I'm now tempted by both!

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I would say some genicanthus angels. Cool and reef safe for the most part. I have seen it done with multiple species in the same tank. In smaller tanks its different females together and one male, but if you have a large tank i have seen people put multiple pairs and trios together, just make sure there is alot of rock work.