The sky is falling monti. Hey i am getting good at naming corals.


Limestone Cowboy.
Premium Member
Here it is i moved it not too long ago so all the polyps arent out, But since the rash of monti crazes lately i thought i would show my monti.
I'll post a pic later when all the polyps are out, But its all ocean blue even under 10k lighting.
There is a couple purple spots to it< but its getting more light now and losing the purple and matching its polyps.
theres a bunch of these coming in right now i have a couple frags of the same thing, its definitely not a superman but its similar in some senses definitely more purple
Heres a pic of it with most of its polyps retracted.
As for alot of them coming in, This is the first one i have seen, and i frequent alot of places, But who knows they could be.
Its definately losing the purple though. It soon will be all blue.