the start of the holding tanks!! pics

SOrry scratch my criticism, did not see you had a permit. That makes it alittle better ;)..

As far as the stand, I am a former carpenter and I can tell you you should really think about adding more support. You are not taking advantage of the strenght of a 2x4 with your design.
which design is everyone reffering to? I will def put more support if everyone thinks i should. I can add another 2x4 from the floor to the bottom of the first part, then run another up to the bottom of the 2nd one. I took this design (exactly) from another friend who has it built to hold 6 55's stacked 3 high... I do not see why if it is the same design, it can't hold 4... His is only held in place by bolts to. Ill add in some extra support...

thanks everyone
Theya re saying to add more 2x4s vertically to but up tight underneath the horizontal ones so as the weight is pushed down on the shelf 2x4 it is pushing on another one straight up and down not the scews holding the shelf one in.

Dubbin, why is the treated so bad becasue as it shrinks it gets out of square or level? Isn't untreated more likly to warp? Just curious

Bolts are incredibly stronger than screws/nails. I think putting in 2x4s will be stronger than bolts, but if you can't get the 2x4s in, then bolts would be a good addition. Your explanation "I can add another 2x4 from the floor to the bottom of the first part, then run another up to the bottom of the 2nd one." will make it much stronger, and is what I was suggesting. You might also want to run a diagonal brace across the back to keep it from slipping left and right. This could be something simple like a 1x4.
hmmm.. very good ideas.. :) i have some extra pieces laying around, ill see what i can do.. Ill post more pictures soon, i just ordered a skimmer and am getting 2 more 55's and a big sump :)
