The Grim Reefer
Ready for some NOBALL!!!
Which was the right call.
If your comparing meter reading when using the Atinics you are extremly correct Grim Reaper. Most PAR meeters do not measure the light in 420 nm range, and if they do it is extremly low. However Chlorophyll has primarly need for light at 417 nm and Chlorophyll b primarly requires light at 437 nm. The pure Atinic bulbs do produce the most light at these specific frequencies.
Now the other issue is these are not the only frequencies Chlorophyll require which is why additional lighting is required. Other chemicals require different wave lenght light up to 485 nm still primarly in the blue range for the human eye. But there is also a band of Frequencies in the 625nm to 655nm range that are required and these are in the RED Range.
But this leaves a big gap of frequencies between 490 nm and 620 nm that are measured to increase the PAR but have very little benifit to corals. On the other end of the spectrum if you had two light bulbs producing light at the 415nm to 490nm range and the 620 nm to 660 nm range you would have a tank that would only show blues and reds with some purples. Basicly the yellows and greens would be washed out.
I do agree that the use of a PAR meeter is today one of the most econmicialy way to eveluate light bulbs in a given system. However if doing a spectrum anylisis were feasable it would give us much better data on what is ideal as well as give us a better to please an individuals eye.
Because of the difference between individuals taste in lighting I realy try to visualize it in to specific areas. First the science of getting the right Wave lenghts to get the coral to gow and clor up to its max. And the ART of filling in the missing frequencies to mak it appealing to an individuals eye. This Art is realy the big variable as what one individual may love another may not.
Hey Grim,
Been sorting through this thread over the past couple weeks. Somewhere in the there I was motivated to replace my middle of the road lamps with new ATI's. I have 2-36" 4x39w fixtures over my 6' LPS and Softies tank. I recently purchased: 2 - Blue plus, 1 Purple Plus and 1-Aqua Blue Special for each. The appearance is a little too blue and washed out for my liking. My question is. Would replacing the Aquablue with a GE 6500 give more of a crisp, natural appearance? Or do you have any other suggestions working closely with the lamps I have?
Thanks, I've been enjoying the thread. You are definitely dedicated.
I am looking for ballast that will run only 1 - 24w T5.
"Grim" gave me nice setup pointers and now I am collecting
all needed pieces to build it.
I have 2 double 24w ballasts and I need 4 more single ones.
What do you recommend ???????
I think Workhorse-2 is runinig 1 x 24w
How good are those ballasts ???
The ones that run 2 x 24w I got from "reefgeek" ( not workhorse )
I don't have anything for single 24w yet.
I am asking what should I get and from where ?
Which one would you recommend to get to run 1 x 24w T5 ????
Grim,GE might go too far the other direction but it's all a matter of personal taste. A KZ Koral Light (NOT new gen) might be a safer choice.
Difference is actinic lamps don't offer much in the higher blue spectrum while the Blue Plus have output from blue/green all the way down into the UV range, Set a pair of transition lens glasses near a blue plus lamp sometime.
I like to give corals all the spectrum of light but they will grow just ducky swell with blue and green. Best growth I ever got was on a system was my first. I started with 2 Actinic Plus, 2 Pure Actinic and 2 Aquablues. I added a GE in place of an Aquablue and liked the colors better but thought it was to white. I ordered more actinic plus lamps and swapped out the pure actinics for them. I ended up breaking the GE so I had 4 actinic plus and 2 aquablues in the system and within a few weeks the growth had exploded. Pretty obvious the actinics weren't adding anything the Actinic Plus weren't. I ran that combo for a few months until ATI came back out with the Blue Plus and it made sense to order in the lamps, those five footers were pricey to ship![]()
Would the UVL Aquasun be comparable to the KZ Coral light? Found a good deal on these that would save me some cash compared to the KZ's (considering I'm already in over $150 on the other lamps purchased)
Thanks again
Hello Grim and rtparty.Question Im currently using 3x 250 watts 14k phoenix hallide and 3 ati aquablue plus and 1 ati purple plus 80watts T5 combo.I have pink, red,orange and some green corals. I want to pop the color of my corals. Can I replace one of aquablue plus to Ge 3k or 6500k ? Or whats other option there.So the settings right now is:
Front to back
Aqua blue plus
Purple plus
Aqua blue plus
Aqua blue plus
Sent from my iPhone using My fingers
Grim If your refering to the Giesman Atinic plus its plot from the manufacturer shows very little light in the 417 nm area but a considerable amount of light in peaking at 450 nm. It make me wonder if this is the same bulb that years ago was marketed as a 450nm Atinic? Yes this bulb will give better results than a pure 420 nm atininc bulb in the longer frequency blue range required by corals however in my mind it is lacking a bit in the 417 nm range. A combination of these bulbs with pure Atiinics would probably create a good balance.
Now ATI's bulb seems to have a very simular manufacturers plot to the Geisman Atinic Plus. Makes me wonder if this is the same bulb with the esception of the stamp on it. I am a found believer and user if this ATI blue plus bulb especialy in combination with ATI's True Atinic especialy in the dawn to dusk circuit. What the combination of these bulbs should be though is deabatable considering you have individuals with 2, 3, 4, and even 5 bulbs on there dawn to dusk circuit. Also different indicidual taste in the color varies some like like an almost pure atinic look while other like a whiter look even in this time period. Mu feeling is a minimium of one each of these bulbs should be used in the dawn to dusk period. If more than one Atinic is used in this period than the total of all bulbs on should have at least as many blue plus bulbs.
Now you get to the part of filling in the reds which the corals need as the next priority. There are many options here including ATI's purple plus, and aquablue special not to mention my east favorate GE's 6,500K. The combination here I think is trying to get enough red to keep the corals happy while still at the same time matching the eye preference of the individual.
The real had fact is I have so many tank where different people will look at them and give completly oposite comments. Johnny says it is too blue, Jack says it is not blue enough, and Herman thinks it is too red or yellow.
Are you using the Blue Plus or the Aquablue Special? They are two VERY different bulbs.
If it were me I would throw an actinic in there for dusk/dawn stuff. You have all the light you need from the halides so the T5s are just a bonus.