But also note his closing statement that only one coral was used and that considerable different results could be possible with different corals.
This brings me my next upgrade on bulbs that I'll be doing in the next few weeks. Presently my thoughts are going like this.
Atinic 4200 <dawns to dusk>
Blue Plus <mid day>
Blue Plus < Dawn to Dusk>
Purple Plus <mid day>
Blue Plus <Dawn to Dusk>
Aqua Blue Special <mid day>
Atinic 420 <Dawn to Dusk>
Bbue Plus <Mid day>
I'm hoping to get a very deep blue effect in the Dawn to Dusk period, while getting a spectrum a bit bluer than the standard 14,000K but nowwhere as blue as the 20,000K on the mid day period. I will also be switching to 4 1 watt 450 nm moon lights on the 120 gallon tank. Note Ill be using all ATI bulbs.
I'd like your comments on what you like or dislike with this set up and why?