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I switched to TMC pro reef and did the first 10% water change yesterday Hmm

from the way my tank has reacted I am not overly impressed thus far.
The reason is this. On Thursday I did my pre water change water tests, everything zero, as always. Great! Today 24 hours later and I have nitrates, ok it hardly registers and a tiny nitrate reading is a good thing not a bad thing, but its still there. The other thing to note is my rock solid Mv dropped from 420mV to 250mV.
It is too early to judge the salt, but when I get back from the UK and do my next water change I am going to use reef crystals again and see what happens.
Oh yes I am in the UK as of Monday and will be away for much of August also, my ProfiLux is now networked and I can check everything daily from 3,500 miles away and not only check but I have full access to the whole system should anything need a tweak.
Now thats the power of profilux!!!
I have put Gareth in full charge in my absence. Thanks mate