THE Tank Build By Aqua Digital

Try this mix

1 teaspoon of Ultra Min-F
1 teaspoon of Sea fan
.5ml of Ultra Min-D

mix into stiff paste and disperse in a power head!!

Now watch your Chalices and other corals especially any filter feeder go into over drive immediately!! My chalice turned into a furry monster Mouth(s) wide open for about 2 hours!

Challices are not filter feeders and the introduction of all that organic matter will simply add to your nutrient load.

No doubt that min F, Sea fan, and MinD are stellar products but I wouldn't use them in the fashion that AQD suggests. A better idea is to make a thick liquid and draw it into a syringe so you can deposit on the chosen coral.

A corals response to the introduction of food doesn't mean it is eating it.
Yes your right as i said above "Now watch your Chalices and other corals especially any filter feeder go into over drive immediately!!"

works for our chalices, they have gone into growth overdrive and the open mouths seems to suggest they love it. The colouration has improved a lot too.

We have started providing our dealers with this mix for filter feeders and the reports back are very impressive.
More news on the tank, I am now slowly switching over to complete ProdiBio supplementation now including the Reef Booster. The first results have been that the glass needs cleaning less.

Too early to determine anything else but will report back

I will be switching the skimmer out soon also to the new skimz monster when our first boat load arrives, look out for a review on Reef Builders on this one ;)
Just so we are clear, it was the fact that you moved your challice into a lower light area not the introduction of this food that turned it around.

You have primarily SPS and I am sure that they benefit from the extra food.

BTW, your blue Hydnophora looks like a montipora to me.
I know you all have been waiting a long time for the 5.02 GHL software and firmware to release, and I have had the fortune of helping with the Beta testing.

I can report thus far that the inbuilt email client is fantastic, no more having to leave the PC on 100% total remote access. There are also rumours ;) that the Ai control will be expanded so individual control of Ai units will be possible, this is a great feature and 100% unique to GHL. Now you can have different light intensities across larger tanks.

Changes to my set up - I have now seperated the leakage alarm and shut off so it runs on a seperate float switch, I have set this to be as critical as possible, the tank only loses about a pint before everything shutting down, so if a flow pipe blows off somwehere at least I wont end up with soggy oakwood flooring.

Next changes will be based around some views ;) Nuff said :)
Thats great news! I must admin I was not impressed with the remote internet ability...

if i would have known was required (and act as middle man) I would have waitied on upgrading from Profilux 2 to 3.. its better than nothing i guess.
the update is huge full server interface with no middle man required, totally independant.

When 5.02F is launched it will shortly be superceded by a complete new interface, but first the initial step will be to get the functionality as everyone wants it, then the cool toys will be rolled out.

Massive changes with profiLux going on right now with new options new products and features. This fall will be a huge advent for profiLux.
Little update

I have been slightly increasing the max on time of the whites of the Ai, they are still at 80% max but instead of hitting this at midday then dropping down to 50% at 5pm they are now at 80% by 11am and start dropping down to 50% from 3pm now.

Everything has noticeably responded well, my only real light sensitive coral is in a nice shady place :)

I will be in the UK for much of August so will be monitoring the tank from afar and my wife is well tuned to the running of the tank ;)
well for a bit of fun as we are all in summer mode right now, I thought I would take the thread a bit on a side track for the month of August.

So welcome to the Aqua Digital 19,000 Gallon_______________ POOL BUILD :)

No we have not won the lottery, no I have not sold the wife (Hmmm?) actually sold my beloved boat as little miss 18 month old screams the place down every time she saw it. My instincts tells me Mum programmed her to react like this so Mum could have her childhood dream of a pool!

First picture

34x16'10 x7.5

Next photo will not be until after the 16th August when the earth movers move in.

I planned to run the pool on a ProfiLux outdoor, but due to the dual voltage the pool required I decided it was not the best option. But fear not I have Matthias's attention on developing a ProfiLux Pool controller, and I have no doubts this will come :)

For now back to the tank build thread but more on this project as it gets going.
Back to the tank build thread (for now)

Just changed over to Tropic marin pro Reef will let you all know the changes (if any) I see.
Good test of your profilux automation!

If you want I can help you set up remote connection so you can log on to it through your router remotely to keep an eye on it....
Chris did set me up but since then i had to move the router back closer to my PC as the pc dropped connection being 2 floors above :(

Will have another go before I leave ;)
Michael, have you had the opportunity to try out ESV salt? or look into distributing it in Canada? It is some awesome stuff!

Micheal it actually isnt that complicated. The most difficult part is knowing the size container you are mixing the salt in :) The pure convenience of having your salt mixed and ready to use safely in less than 20 minutes is just plain awesome! Should ask Bob at ESV to send you a sample.

Latest update

I switched to TMC pro reef and did the first 10% water change yesterday Hmm :( from the way my tank has reacted I am not overly impressed thus far.

The reason is this. On Thursday I did my pre water change water tests, everything zero, as always. Great! Today 24 hours later and I have nitrates, ok it hardly registers and a tiny nitrate reading is a good thing not a bad thing, but its still there. The other thing to note is my rock solid Mv dropped from 420mV to 250mV.

It is too early to judge the salt, but when I get back from the UK and do my next water change I am going to use reef crystals again and see what happens.

Oh yes I am in the UK as of Monday and will be away for much of August also, my ProfiLux is now networked and I can check everything daily from 3,500 miles away and not only check but I have full access to the whole system should anything need a tweak.

Now thats the power of profilux!!!

I have put Gareth in full charge in my absence. Thanks mate ;)