THE Tank Build By Aqua Digital

Basically if salt has oxidants in it your mV will be higher.

Bromine is an oxidant so if the levels are higher in RC than TMC the Redox (mV) will potentially be higher.
So welcome to the Aqua Digital 19,000 Gallon_______________ POOL BUILD :)

First picture

34x16'10 x7.5

I'm not sure what your long-term plans are but if you're wanting to fill it up with that "sprinkler" you better go ahead and start it filling now :lolspin::lolspin::lolspin::lolspin:
They were developed by myself and a key ozone manufacturer, if you scour through my photobucket pictures you will eventually come across the development photos.

When I sold my business in the UK the rights to the unit went with it and so I do not have any control over them anymore and this is why we do not sell it over here.

As the unit was really popular it is not surprising that they turn up here and there, with different company labels but of course still carry our name and product code.
well I am now in the UK :)

Just logged onto my tank to have a look at things and since doing the water change after not getting good results from the TMC pro, my mV in 36 hours has shot up from 230's to 350's!!

so to recap

prior to water change my mV was 400's
after water change with TMC it dropped to 230's
Did fresh water change using Reef crystals again and the Mv is bouncing back.

Now back to my holiday with the family :)
yes 100% correct but not by that much and also not in relation to any previous water change using the same salt from the same bucket.
Just flown in from the UK 2 hours ago!! :(

Tank is thriving, the ORP is back up to the mid 400's and the growth and colour is amazing.

Keep a check on the GHL support forum for the firmware updates you mention ;)
Hey ! nice tread ! I'm looking into getting one AI.
I want to put it over an 20 gallon rimless Hagen, 16 inch deep. The only thing I'm searching now before making the big move, is to see it in action. I've look at all the video on youtube, and I don't see what I want... I'm looking for the shimmering effect of the MH, do the AI offer that effect???
And so far I'm looking for a RKL insted of an Profilux for budget reason... Is it better to wait and purchase the profilux latter, or the RKL can do the job ??
oh .. and sorry for the bad english... i'm from Qc... lol

ONLY the GHL can control the Ai to maximum effect

Cloud cover simulation and storm modes etc, this is because of the unique special code GHL has carefully written to control Ai units, it is very much known that GHL open the doors to the Ai units full potential.

I cant discuss EKL as it is not made by GHL ProfiLux.

The Ai shimmer is as good if not better IMO then MH
if you are looking for full Ai control that GHL offer look at the ProfiLux light II bar this is a economical way to have the full potential of GHL controlling the Ai at a low price.
Well thank a lot ! I didn't know about the GHL Profilux Light 2 bar. That's great. even for the tunze and the heater!
In the case that i'll be waiting $$... and only use the AI controller is it ok, or I rather not purchase it ?
thanks again and sorry to be OT.
You do not need the Ai controller, all you need is the GHL/Ai control cable.

Bit of short supply on the cables but working on that this week ;)
little update

I have now decided to stock with Reef Crystals from now on, and not change this important element. The tank just looks too good right now to go changing this.

All GHL probes calibrated after my vacation and read the same prior to calibration, they have not been calibrated for quite sometime so very impressed with how they stand up to long term use.

With regards to RC, how will you handle the high Alk running a low nutrient system?

Just curious, as I'm struggling with a salt choice for my tank... I may try E.S.V or the new formulation of Red Sea.
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ALK is not an issue, its depleted rapdily and now my SPS have become very hungry the draw on the ca is also above what the water changes supply, so everything is coming into line.