things to come...


New member
ok so im back in school and oddly i have more time now since i dont work during school. so heres a list of things to look out for in the coming weeks,

a skimmer DIY :D
heres a link to the place that inspired me LINK i was just talking to my acrylic guy and he said he was down to watch me fail lol now i have to find a mold :p as well and ensure that it will fit in my sump.....this may cause me to get a bigger sump 5 breader if i can fit it under the tank...or make it into another custom job :p

also my frag tank (lol i know uve been waiting for this tony) they will probably be started at the same time but im pretty sure that tank will be done in no time since its pretty simple. i plan on making it a satellite, so that it will not be subject to my heavy feeding. :wavehand: stay tuned
How about dating, going out, doing stupid things you dont remember? dipping the old wick once in a while? stop with the reef stuff.:beer::love2::dance:
bahahaha believe me i find time for those hobbies too! estimated time to complete is about 4 hours with out interruptions
I'm sorry man i did not mean for this to be turned in to a "hey lets make fun of THEDLO" thread.
Dont listen to them... Make that skimmer and those frag tanks, LoL. You have plenty of time to do those other things that Konrad is talking about...

so its going well only i need to find a mold to make the cone shape i need for the bubble plate and the fun :D

heres what im tying to make;


and heres the progress








thanks guys :D

its costing me very little only cause i know a guy lol

noel model is going to have to stay with me cause model one will always fail since its a prototype :p model 3 on the other hand :D