thinking about getting a octopus


New member
i have a 90 gal tank, not drilled but it can be, what is the best way to prep a tank for a octo? how much flow, lighting? making it excape proof? temp , salinity , can multiple octo's be kept? what would be the best choices for a tank this size and be a sociable animal that would not be too shy but more readly seen, if i do decide to get one or more i want to have it home completely ready for it. thanks
check around at other people's posts and other people's online diaries about how they have raised their octopuses. also, check out which is a website very specific to octopus and other similar creatures. if i could help i would, but i'm still just reading around and preparing to get my tank set up (and save up enough cash to be able to feed them properly haha).
i just find it fuinny that out of 48 views i only get 1 post from someone with the same questions i am asking , and not one experianced person in this forum to even offer any info , hmmmm maybe the some what experianced people realy dont have the experiance and maybe should not even be trying to keep such a animal , ive done a bit of reading up on the keeping of these unique creatres but am looking for expert advice , i dont like to do things twice i cannot afford to , i want it done correctly the first time and not have to go back after a few months and change a bunch of things that could have been done correctly the first time.

Btw zach jay thanks for the link and passing some info i realy appreaciate it
Well I'm so sorry ihavtats, I'm no expert but I have done some reading myself with interest in keeping these interesting creatures and all I could tell you is what I've read but I'm sure you've already read the same. It propably wouldn't be a bad idea to try talking to Thales and ?Roy? can't remember his screen name but he works at an institution that deals specifically with octos and I know that he could definately point you in the right direction. There are definately some highly experienced people here... I'm just not one of them :p
i know Dr Roy he specializes in stamotopods aka mantis shrimp, and is very inforamative on many subjects, i just find it a shame that the people whome post here with the experiance dont care to share it, thanks anyway seventhz, ive allready secided to go agressive with the 90 , i can do all the reading on the subject and still not have the tips and tricks from the people the are keeping the animals
Wow, I'm amazed that no one with experience has posted a comment to this thread yet... anyone, anyone? Bueller... Bueller... Bueller? ;)
Experienced people get a bit exhausted when there are 50 posts like this at once. You were directed to an excellent site that you can do independent research on, and you can also do that here.

Reading through your questions, it's pretty apparent that you haven't really read up on octopods. I can probably answer all of them from a single article on TONMO. But is that what you want? Do you want people to hand feed you information? That takes the enjoyment out of the hobby.

Do research, answer the questions yourself, and when you find that you have a question that you honestly can't find the answer to, post again and ask it. People will be more than glad to help.
people learn in diferant ways , some by sitting and reading and others hands on, some can read a 20 page article and get what they need from it and others can read the same thing and still not be sure about what they have just read, over the last 7 to 8 years ive had a few tanks and there are may things i still do not know , what i do know is that im not going to set up something for a specific animal wih out the input from experianced people, id rather learn from others mistakes than from my own, i understand about having to repeat answers , i can also see why this forum is pretty much dead
Tonmo all the way.
Try Cephbase, The cephalopod page by Dr. Wood.
Also try your local reef club and a reliable lfs.

Learning from others' mistakes is exactly what I'm talking about. There are dozens of threads where your questions have been answered.

The site that was recommended to you has very straightforward articles.

I agree with you that everyone learns in a different way, but I find it hard to believe that you couldn't find a single piece of valuable information in any of the articles on those sites.