thinking about selling my big tank


New member
nursing school is just hammering me on time and i think i may just go with one of the bigger aquapods.

so i'm testing the waters here to see if anyone might be interested in a 90(ish) tank 40x24x20, diy stand, diy sump, 2x175w mh pfo hood with fans and 2 vho's, dual 175w pfo magnetic ballast, euroreef rc-80 recirc skimmer, dart for the closed loop, aquacontroller jr with the 8 outlet deal and a few extras....

975 bucks.

i might sell the geo calcium reactor set up too but more than likely i will keep it for a tank i'll set up when i finish school.

like i said i'm just seeing if there is interest right now.

also there would be some cool fish and sps corals plus some of the marshall island live rock to go before i could sell the tank.
Don't do it.
You'll take a beating on the price.
Reduce the animal load to reduce the manitainance or just sell off the live stock and store everything till your ready to set it back up.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11274821#post11274821 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by just dave
Don't do it.
You'll take a beating on the price.
Reduce the animal load to reduce the manitainance or just sell off the live stock and store everything till your ready to set it back up.

yeah i'm thinking that as well.

but i could use the grand i'd make on school. it's such a tough choice. plus when i upgrade after school i want at least a 180 and nothing but the cal rx and the dart could really be used on that much bigger of a tank.


what a tough decision.
Nursing school eh Joey? Way cool! Best of luck with your studies. Need online instruction in physiology or neuroscience? Will tutor for frags!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11291431#post11291431 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by neuroslicer
Nursing school eh Joey? Way cool! Best of luck with your studies. Need online instruction in physiology or neuroscience? Will tutor for frags!

haha. i don't think i'll get too deep into neuro, i'm not going to be a brain surgeon, har. but physiology may be an issue. but right now we're concentrating on cleaning up, ummmmmm, messes and taking vital signs for the most part.

i'm almost done with semester one, i have my final friday and i have a pretty good average so far.
well i think i'm going to take the advice to just hang with it and not sell everything. sorry folks. but then again i could change my mind again later on.

on thing that helps is that i got a pretty nice scholarship this week and money is once again flowing. for now.