Thirsty's shallow 125 SPS


New member
Recently picked up an acrylic rimless 60x30x16


Pretty bare setup for now with just wood frame for a stand

Picked up a 36x18x16 sump for 50 bucks


Tank got wet on 7/26

Started to cycle rocks with just flow, dosed zeovit to get things started. Mega dosed back and sponge power along w start

Kinda messed up my plumbing but for now it works

Using 2x sea swirls with a fluval sp6 return pump.

Additionally using 2xgyre 150 for surface, a rw8 and a 6105 for flow within the rock work

8/3 finally ready for tank to run

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Reef octopus dc-pov3
Kalk reactor
Zeovit vibe reactor
4x xr30 pro G3

Thinking about adding some t5s to the side

Yellow rang
Baby vlamingi tang
2x cleaner wrasse
1 pipefish

Looking to get a foxface to help keep algae in check

Skimmer doing work!

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Added some eggcrate for easy coral placement on 8/5


Added a bunch of pieces from my other system


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A week later or so on 8/11, tank getting pretty populate with sps pieces. Things are surviving, biology is still not super stable, but so far so good.


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A friend of mine is shutting down his tank and I'm taking his SPS. The colonies were already in a weakened state... some had already bleached, doing what I can to save the rest.

After the move... the pieces looks a bit stressed - any suggestion on what I can do to minimize the stress?

Should I keep light on for shorter period? Less intensity?
Here's a video I took w the pieces. Worried about stability of tank. Tomorrow will be 3 week anniversary.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I normally just shade the bleached pieces...........under the racks would work fine sitting on the tank floor. Once they brown out is when I move them to a higher light area.

If your nutrients are low it's going to take a longer time for them to recover.
I normally just shade the bleached pieces...........under the racks would work fine sitting on the tank floor. Once they brown out is when I move them to a higher light area.

If your nutrients are low it's going to take a longer time for them to recover.

Thanks for the insight. They seem to be holding on. They were frags grown into colonies so a bit more resilient.

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Well tank filled up pretty fast. A friend of mine had become less into taking care of his sps. So now I'm taking care of them.








Tank is becoming crowded. Some pieces are stressed. I've reduced light and turned down the flow while they regain their strength.

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