this will be the last post for the weak i promis. just want o know about pygmy angle


New member
i wanted to know how to tell when it is a male? if i can put 2 in my 12g nano (they are both less than 1"? and if they will get along with a pair of clowns? That is all.

Once again sorry for the post. im just a very questionable person.
The Cherub's are pretty territorial. A 12g isa bit small for him/her to be in with other fish. I would say get a larger tank to keep it in. I have had one for a couple years now and he is "king" of the tank. He bullies alot but seems to get on well otherwise with his tank mates. I am not really sure how to sex the fish but I would imagine it would have something to do with the body coloration. I would also onyl keep one of these in small tank. They really are very fisty for their size. HTH
hey ciro, it isnt that we dont liek to answer your questions or think that you pos to much, just you remind us of this kid who was always changing his mind about his tanks, no need to stop asking questions, i did this alot wheni was new to the hobby. besides, i always liek to answer questions,. as for your question, i dont think that there is any real solid way of finding out if they are male/female (i might be wrong), as for keeping them together, i dont think it is a good idea. first off, like racer said, they are very territorial and can easy kill each other if they decide to fight. as for keeping them in a 12 gallon, NO, very small for a such a nice fish. i would recommend at least a 29 gallon, but definately would prefer a 55. the only good small angel you could keep in your 12 would be a coral beuaty, i had one in my 15 before it died of old age. hope this helps
lol. no das not why im sayin it. :) its just that i doo feel like im bothering alittle bit. well thx anyway. man but i dont want to get r4id of him and im not going to put the 55 for a cuple of weeks. (insufitiant funds) plus i dont know how im going to do my setup. Wetdry, sump, sump fuge mix, u know i just dont know yet. if anyone can tell me a good way to set it up. that would realy help.
you could keep one of those angels in a 15gal nano temporarely until you upgrade the tank, two of those angels will probably be a push but if you really want them they may mate or co-exist with out killing each other in a 55, however, don't look for a definate answer to your question as no one will be able to give you one.
as far of what type of filtration to look for, I like the natural approach + skimmer, Lots of good live rock a basic refuge with strong lighting and macro algae & a skimmmer, the key word been lots of good live rock.
"talk mong yourself"
you could keep one of those angels in a 15gal nano temporarely until you upgrade the tank, two of those angels will probably be a push but if you really want them they may mate or co-exist with out killing each other in a 55, however, don't look for a definate answer to your question as no one will be able to give you one.
as far of what type of filtration to look for, I like the natural approach + skimmer, Lots of good live rock a basic refuge with strong lighting and macro algae & a skimmmer, the key word been lots of good live rock.
"talk among yourself"
ok i had an idea for my 15g like making a little hang on fuge/ sumpish kind of thing where i can put in some cheato or macro with some lr and ls. but i wanted to know how i would be able to pump th water in to the little fuge. i was thinking of an 50 or 90gph pump to put it in to the fuge and then a nother 50 or 90gph to pump back in to the tank. wut u think.
Why not just do a modified aquaclear. They come in numerous sizes and they are simple to turn into DIY Fuges. All you need is a single baffle everything else is in the box. You can also run carbon if you desire and they sell and attachment that skims the top of the water of surface skum. you only need to find a small light to put over the fuge. i have had one running for a long time now and have had no problems. I just recently took it down.
I can show you how to mod it if you need help
ciro, whatever you decide to do for the 55, id recommend taking your time and not rushing though it. plan it out to the full extent and do research on your equipment and what youd like to see as far as water quality etc.

its easy to throw something up together, but its even easier to decide its not what you want later down the road. and then its a pita changing in the process.