Thoughs on HIGH phosphate

My Hanna phosphate tester and I don't like what it told me. Tested my 65 and 20 gallon and phosphtates at .02 test my 180 which i knew had some issues and it reads .86. I have done 2 40 gallon changes and level is down to .42. I am considering using Lanthonim Choride to strip them out. Has anyone used it? Any other thoughts would be appreicated

I also need to get my large Vlamingi tang out as I know he is one of the magor sources and install my fuge.
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Your 65 and 20 are good to go.

Make sure to particularly monitor you Alk (and other levels) if you dose the Lanthanum Chloride, as it will lower the Alk level while dosing.

Start slowly so that you don't "shock" the system.

Personally, I would keep with the water changes and use GFO. The GFO will exhaust quickly, but less chance of an alk swing in the case of an accidental overdose of LC.
I agree with Daimyo68- GFO and WC. GFO will exhaust quickly until you have the source under control, then it will last longer.
How severe of a shock can the lanthium chloride cause? I usually add it slowly versus the recommended dose and haven't experienced anything too severe ... But I have a small system (40g) and stabilize with water changes.
I think Biggar was experimenting with LC, May want to reach out to him. It definitely works. I used it on my rocks, but I don't know the precautions you need to take for livestock. I do know you need to filter it, because it precipitates as it binds phos.
I agree, use BRS HC GFO, it last a little longer, water changes, and brightwell MB7. This combo bright my phosphates down from similar levels.
My Po4 was up to 2.5 (highest amount that the Hanna Po4 can register.....probably much more) about a month ago. I just switched from really old MH's to Kessil led's and I got a hair algae bloom. I used Kent's phosphate sponge which removes a lot a phosphates quickly but needs to be removed in 36 to 48 hrs since it will release it back into the system after that time. After two uses of PS it came down to .60. Then I switched to brs bulk gfo and after testing yesterday I'm down to .13. My goal is in the .04-.02 area.

Hope this helps.
I had the same issue… Popped a bunch of RowaPhos in a TLF Reactor and viola! Phosphates are undetectable now.
Not to highjack but do you change GFO when the phosphate starts to rise or is there another rule of thumb?
Brightwell Aquatics Phosphate R works great. Just use it slowly. 5ml in my 180 takes phosphates down by .05 usually.

I don't use Brightwell stuff, so I don't know for sure, but I've been told that the Brightwell Phosphate remover's active ingredient is Lanthanum Chloride.
Have you thought about carbon dosing via bio pellet reactor or vinegar?

I'm not sure what your setup is (i.e. Apex controller, skimmer size etc.) I have been dealing with high phosphate in my tank for the last 2 years and only recently tried the carbon dosing route. I've done the GFO and large water change method in the past but have ultimately done more harm to my tank by shocking the system with removing too much phosphate too fast or by inadvertently causing an all swing with my 40-50% water changes. I started dosing vinegar into my 90 about 2 months ago and and started with 2-5ppm of nitrate and .13 po4. I'm down to undetectable levels as of last week(salifert and hannah ulr)... and the best part is that the change was pretty slow getting there so I have only seen positive effects in the tank.

I run a BRS 1.1ml doser off of my Apex to dose vinegar during daylight hours so as to not affect the PH by adding acid during the low photosynthesis periods. It's virtually hands free and the no3/po4 hungry bacteria give me a little buffer to feed extra food and reduce the overall sizes of my weekly water changes from 25 gallons to just 10 gallons (10%). I was chasing phosphates out of my tank by large water changes and finally just gave up as it was too time consuming and expensive to constantly replace GFO and fresh salt water into the tank at the levels I needed to do to keep it low. This new approach has caused me to become excited about the hobby again as it has reduced the hassle of the aforementioned maintenance procedures. Good luck getting it nailed down :)
Thanks dgen. Didn't read it all but it seems people are having success with lanthanum ? Looks like they tried it 5 years ago in that thread. Anyone try it more recently? Any other good threads?

I've gotten lazy, but I still run Lanthanum from time to time. I started with a PO4 of 1.54 and maintain between .06 and .01.
At this stage, GFO is better than Lanthanum. If it creeps up, I set up the drip again.
I've gotten lazy, but I still run Lanthanum from time to time. I started with a PO4 of 1.54 and maintain between .06 and .01.
At this stage, GFO is better than Lanthanum. If it creeps up, I set up the drip again.

+1 Same boat.

Anyone who wants Brightwell Phosphate E, Ill have bottle I used once I will sell 1/2 price.