Thoughts on the keeping of Zs and Ps and reefing

This comment is from a PM to MUCHO REEF where we were talking a little about the context of this thread, and it was asked that I share it...

I actually have people question that I'm really selling "the real deal" because the prices are so low. I keep finding that too many people are developing a mentality that a $5 or $10 frag is automatically junk, no matter what that frag really is. It's at minimum saddening, and sometimes sickening.

For all the zoa and paly lovers reading that... Don't go rushing to the classifieds looking for a sale thread by me, because you won't find one. Sorry... My life has led me to need to focus more on other things far more important that trying to sell frags for the time being. Look at it this way though -- in the meantime, whatever I may have that someone might want is growing more polyps and at some point I'll be forced to sell frags of them because I'll simply run out of room in my tanks. If you run into a sale thread of mine at that time and decide to buy, great -- you won't be disappointed. Please don't PM me asking what I have or what I can sell, that's not the purpose of this at all.

At the same time, please don't take that comment as me trying to be some sort of higher power in a war to lower prices. I'm not leading a crusade or pretending to be doing so. I've sold small numbers of polyps for much closer to market pricing. Ironically, in a few cases, I felt the need to sell some frags at closer to market pricing just so they would generate enough interest to sell. I'll gladly admit that I've made some of my money back on some of the polyps with fancy names, it's no secret. It's just a shame that price is too often an indicator of authenticity.

I think being the crusader is the answer. Take back the hobby and give it to the people. Mucho you should write a thread a week on what you do, when you do it and how. I'd give up an appendage to have my tank look like yours. With that sort of growth and the quality of zoa's pick a person at random let them pay shipping and bless their socks off with some beautiful zoa's. Greed without a means to feed soon will move on to the next thing.-Ahem chalice's-
Just my two cents and if you do decide to start threads on making "our" tanks look like your tank I thank you in advance. Fight the power frag the zoa spread the love.