Thrive Aquatics?


New member
Hi my name is Josh and I have a 300g reef tank. All I do is read from this site but now I need some help. I live in Utah and I notice that my LFS has a new product called Thrive. This is the only shop I see that sell this in Utah. So this stuff is pretty new.

So now I need help with this stuff because all this thrive site talks about is a positive change to your tank and the way you do maintenance. I have a PO4 problem in my tank and was trying to take care of it with thrive product called Thrive Phosphate Remover. I was adding very little to my tank and drop about 1/10th of the bottle in my tank by accident. The bottle has 600ml in it. I was told that there was no way that little would made my tank crash killing all my SPS and most of my fish. There was nothing else I did wrong but drop some of this in my tank.:uzi:Thrive or is it just me

so has anyone know of this product? You can't search anyone reviews or you can't search thrive using goggle.

Whats the best way to remove PO4 I sick of this algae
Seems to be a very new product line, and I could find no reviews of them either with google or RC.

What is the dosing instrcutions for the product?

Dumb response, but worth sayng, the best way to control phosphate is to try and keep it out of the tank in the first place. Most people use GFo, grnular ferric oxide, to reduce phosphate in their tanks. You can buy it in bulk at bulkreefsupply. WOrks very well, and no real negative side effects or risks of too much of it, though you can shock your tank if you drop phosphate too abruptly.


This product let's you go to the website and enter your test and you get a Prescription for your tank. The prescription said to buy some but to add 0ml. My PO4 was up .12 and the back of the bottle says if not using tank prescription use 1ml per 20g per day until PO4 hits 0.05

Advanced directions: add 1ml to decrease po4 by 5 ppm from 1g of water Add 5ml max per 25g until target is reached.

I will never use something new without reviews again.
From the description on their website, it's just fancy marketing of lanthium chloride. Should find plenty of info on lanthium in the chemistry forum.
did it crash your tank and kill off you livestock or are you afraid it will? hard to tell by your post
Yes it crashed my tank, killed most of my fish and all of my SPS. Some of the fish I had in my tank for more than 3 years. The tank right now is doing a lot better.
So you accidently add 5X too much of a product....and it's the product's fault you're crashing?

I agree, its like taking 5x the dose of a drug and blaming the manufacture for liver damage. Think it would be better to make it super weak and you'd be adding cups instead of ml's to deal with a phosphate issue? The manufacture obviously made this potent as to give you the best bang for your buck, so I think its unfair to blame them.

Lanthium chloride will deplete oxygen in the water when overdosed, Im guessing this is what happened in your situation. Did you dose it in front of the skimmer as recommended by the manufacture as well?
when dosing lanthanum you should slowly add (like you're running a titration test) directly into a filter sock to remove the solids as it binds with the phosphate. sounds like use error to me
I never said that I'm blaming the manufacture and I did have someone talk with the guy that runs Thrive. He said that no way that little would crash my tank. So I'm trying to find out whats going on?

firebirdude the Advanced directions said add 1ml to decrease po4 by 5 ppm from 1g of water Add 5ml max per 25g until target is reached. I didn't add more then that. How is that 5X too much of a product? I have 300g plus

I'm not new at keeping reef tanks. I have had this tank for over 8 years now and this being the first time it ever crashed.

liquidfunk, Yes it was in front of the skimmer as recommended by the manufacture
I've had the exact same problem with Thrive phosphate remover

I've had the exact same problem with Thrive phosphate remover

My problem is very similar. I have a 450g tank with an 80g fuge, reef octopus 500g rated skimmer, UV, mr1 monster reactor, pushing plenty of water, and had a good variety/number of fish. Mixed reef fish, vlamingi, chevron, yellow, blue, powder brown, kole tang, 12 chromis, Scott's fairy wrasse, and a couple Bangaii cardinals. The tank is loaded with soft and LPS, sebae, long tentacle, two large squamosa clams, teardrop maxima, and a couple smaller crocea clams.

All except for 5 chromis and the vlamingi died within 8 hrs of adding 4 pipettes (supplied in the bottle of thrive), and 5 pipettes of Thrive magnesium. I added 1/4 of the recommended dose, at the intake of the protein skimmer, and really didn't have that high of phosphates to begin with, 0.05. No ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, and pH was 8.2. The weirdest thing is that the coral had no signs of stress, everything looked great.

Although I cannot say for certain that adding the products were the cause of the fish dying, I have maintained tons of tanks over the past 10-11 years. I have NEVER had this type of problem before (have seen everything, pump and heater failures are the main causes that I have seen). I added the phosphate remover at 10am, by 6, the fish were all at the bottom, breathing heavily as if they were shocked from ammonia. I changed 80g immediately, but the damage was already done.

I still can't get over the fact that so little could have done any damage at all, maybe I have a bad batch? Maybe something else? Anyone else have similar stories or experiences to share?

Again, not at all new to the hobby, just still shocked.
Lanthium chloride will deplete oxygen in the water when overdosed, Im guessing this is what happened in your situation. Did you dose it in front of the skimmer as recommended by the manufacture as well?

oxygen depletion explains what i seen when adding the recommended dose of thrive liquid phosphate remover to my tank. i used their chart on line to get the dosing recommendations . and added it ( 7 drops) all at once in front of the skimmers intake.
i added this and noticed my fish breathing heavy. thought hum whats going on? next day after adding it seen the same thing. than put 2 and 2 together. did a small water change. tryed it one more time to be sure of what i was seeing ... yup fish breathing heavy right after adding this product. did a small water change and have not used the product again.

so i can surely see if over dosed it killing fish and corals. since i seen negative results when adding at recommended amount. oh it did lower the phosphates.

(35 gallon tank 25 gallon sump)
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Read the ingredients on Thrive Phosphate Remover... Then the ingredients on Brightwell Phosphate-E... Eeek! I've seen both in very small amounts (relative to water volume) kill fish and corals. It's that damn word PROPRIETARY I try and stay away from. Seems to always be an issue, this putting in unknown "blends" of chemicals :(
if it were me. from what it seems. not an issue of use. if its something that is THAT sensitive to an overdose SCREW putting it in my system. i put absolutely no chemicals in my tank. i stick to good husbandry practices. "magic drugs" are like a plague. personally if it were me. Id be going to this "thrive" business and literally killing someone for killing my animals. To me there is no excuse for killing animals with a shotty product...If you need a good lawyer. I know several. Inbox me :) ps extremely sorry to hear about your loss guys. its a crying shame when our animals pay for our mistakes.
if it were me. from what it seems. not an issue of use. if its something that is THAT sensitive to an overdose SCREW putting it in my system. i put absolutely no chemicals in my tank. i stick to good husbandry practices. "magic drugs" are like a plague. personally if it were me. Id be going to this "thrive" business and literally killing someone for killing my animals. To me there is no excuse for killing animals with a shotty product...If you need a good lawyer. I know several. Inbox me :) ps extremely sorry to hear about your loss guys. its a crying shame when our animals pay for our mistakes.

i have tried the brightwells and never seen the fish breathing heavy when using it as recommended. as i did with the thrive, almost immediately after adding thrive at recommended dose i seen the fish not breathing well.

i also noticed this difference, with brightwells my water clouded, this did not happen with the thrive. Brightwells seems to be a different blend of liquid phosphate remover than thrive from my observations. And i have not seen stress to fish of corals from the brightwells, as i did with the thrive.

the hour or less of cloudy water with brightwells is no big deal, since this has been the only down side i seen. i guess its binding the phosphates. it clears in less than and hour with filtration
lanthanum chloride is a great method for PO4 removal, and it can be overdosed- the amounts/results depend on many factors

I agree with the below quote more than I would tend to lean towards the above (vitz).

If you google Lanthanum chloride and calcification you get some interesting hits, but they do not relate to corals as it's such an unnatural problem. But Lanthanum chloride is used for blood cleaning in dialysis but a side effect is that there are massive problems with bone calcification as the La interferes and replaces the Ca ions, and generally messes the process up.

Now it's a jump from 'us' to 'them', but in a tank full of calcifying organisms that's food for thought. I think it's playing with fire to say the least.

Food for thought ;)
i've actually used it extensively on my own tanks, on retail,and wholesaler sized systems for yrs-so have zoos.

the only problem i've run into is fish irritation (gills) presumably from the fine particulate it generates coating them (anecdotal). :)