I need those Floyd'sGorgeous shots. Just beautiful.
Thank youLooks great mark! I really need to find a purple monster, bummed my frag died. :/
I think that red one is pretty cool tooI was going to chime in with matt on that red one but then you post the Floyd's, wow! You have some nice corals sir!
My tank is filling in. But it is a big tank 180 gallons and it takes a while to get the growth where tank shots actually look cool. Eventually, it will fill in.Absolutely astounding corals, Mark.
That blue Floyd is out of this world.
Your corals are getting huge.
Your tank must be bloody unbelievable to look at.
i don't think i've seen better colors than you have.
Z is perhaps the best reefer that I have seen. Truly legendaryWow.. whoever Z is, I like him.
Ya, I think it would be considered thin branched.The more I see that blue berry wine the more I like it. Is it thin branched?
Z is like the most popular man in the world, plus a famous reefer. I will share the secret as long as you keep it secret, he is my 4 year old grandson. Yeah, my bad, I named some coral after him. Cool coral though Z, keep up the good work.Please enlighten me O' master of the swaying polyp.....who is Z and where can I get a piece of that Red Hornet?
thank youAwesome shots!
thank you. I have a lot of coral frags and colonies and so it seems that they hit their stride sometimes at different times. So I get to pick and choose what I am sharing. I don't share the ones struggling or the duds. Not quite that brave.I don't think I've seen better colors than you have.
Love that darth maul!!
And I like Z even more, now!
Mark, what kind of lighting does your blueberry wine receive?
Let us know with photos either way. Hope you had a good vacation.
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Well the display is great, surprisingly no issues on my return from vacation. I finally decided to pull out one of my colonies because it got too big, Wet Thumbs Mother of Pearl, and donated it to one of my LFS. That gave me room to relocate my Purple Monster which was stuck behind a large colony of JF Flame. Now I can get better pictures of the Purple Monster. There are a few abrasions to the purple Monster from me yanking on it to get it out, but nothing that a little bit of time will resolve. Lighting for the picture is Metal halides and t5's.
Purple Monster
You have an amazing sps collection. Absolutely stunning!
I am totally in love...
Pm... will you marry me??