As always, corals are looking amazing Mark!
Thanks, guys.
I took a bunch of pictures today. I want to make sure I can both track the progress of my sps as well as memorialize them photographically. I probably have 90-100 frags to mini-colonies in the tank but it seems I keep taking some of the same sps over and over again. They are obviously the brightest and most colorful so it makes it fun.
Most of the pictures were taken with just Reefbrite Xhos today.
And here is the same mini-colony/frag under metal halides only
This is the first time that I have photographed the following sps under Reefbrites. It came out pretty cool. It is a different species from the one that i recently posted.
The following is a young frag of RR USA CJ Pinky. It is growing like crazy for a small frag. It is placed high and with lots of flow. I think it is a little pale and may be getting too much light
Here is a very similar view of the RR USA CJ Pinky under metal halides only, not quite as colorful but still pretty. Like I said, it may be getting too much light and therefore somewhat pale. Also have to remember, this is still a young frag and undoubtedly will improve with more time in the tank as well as maturity

Lastly (for tonite at least), this is a frag that I got a huge chunk of. It was kind of beige/yellow when I got it. I don't know if it was a wild or mari-cultured piece, although likely mari-cultured. I kept it in my frag tank for many months because i was not sure it was worth putting in the display. Well I have a spot that is way up high in the display tank but gets too much flow for almost anything to survive. I thought I could give it a try in a spot where nothing else has been able to survive, so I moved it into the display a some months ago. It is starting to show some crazy colors, well that is if only the reefbrite xho's are on, it doesn't look this good with just metal halides on. Perhaps more time and it will even be better