Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Let me know what you think of this setup. It's only 12g - 35.4" x 8.3" x 9.1". I have also been putting these ideas into my system. My only challenge is that my setup will not have a sump so I have tried diligently to keep the equipment hidden as well.

Let me know what you think of this setup. It's only 12g - 35.4" x 8.3" x 9.1". I have also been putting these ideas into my system. My only challenge is that my setup will not have a sump so I have tried diligently to keep the equipment hidden as well.


I like it, keep that sand bed nice and white. Creates a lot of negative
What type of tank do you plan to have? That sure is a deep sandbed.

Hmm What type of tank? saltwater:)
What are you looking for?

The sandbed ranges from 4-6 inches max.. once the water gets in it should compress and level out around 4-5".

Goal is a deep sandbed with plenty of life in it.
Hmm What type of tank? saltwater:)
What are you looking for?

The sandbed ranges from 4-6 inches max.. once the water gets in it should compress and level out around 4-5".

Goal is a deep sandbed with plenty of life in it.

Type = FOWLR or Reef? If reef which LPS or SPS or mixed
Awesome thread. Please keep them coming. I'll be aquascaping my new 48x30x18 110g rimless in a few weeks and will share my sorry attempts.
Couldn't be happier.



By far one of my favorites. I'm not a fan of the minimalist look, but to each their own. This goes beyond minimalist. Nice full scaping. Not quite as tall or full as I'm going for in my 6'er, but very nice indeed. Just be sure to keep us updated as things really start to grow out!!
I just went though this whole thread, I love all the Aquascaping pictures!! Here's some shots of my aquascape, I tried to follow the rule of thirds but I think I need to tweek it a little more. Sorry they are so blue. . .

Angled Down

Straight On FTS

Down the Tank

Another of my favorites. Nice and full, lots of definition in the scaping. Plenty of swimming, hiding, and coral placement room. Love it.
What a fantastic thread, i tried to do my best to incorporate the concepts and flow to redesign my rockwork. Would appreciate any input or suggestions, my corals (and fish) are not too happy about me moving them over and over. Thanks much!





Another of my favorites. Great height and well defined. Other's may say different, but I would not change a thing. Just my opinion, and we all know what those are like...


Finally got to a real computer. I guess my point is for those building a full reef don't forget to consider the colors and forms of the final colonies or at least what you hope they will look like after a few years : )




Beautiful tank.... What kind and size of sand is that?
Love this thread guys!!! I am implementing these ideas and everything into my pico build... my tank is 20x6x11 so its really tight width wise. if anyone has suggestions that be awesome.

I used these techiques for my planted freshwater tank when i started I read teh ADA guide it was awesome made for a great learning experience!