Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

I hear ya , I bet I have 30hrs spent reading threads like this one. :uhoh3:
So far I'm just try this or that ,then walk away and look at it again to see if
it feels right. Then comes the mortar [which i recommend].

Just trying not to over think it. <<yea right<lol
I can't believe how similar ours look! Love the bridge you have going your rock a diy concrete mix? What corals do you plan to put on the overhangs?

Here is mine....just about done cycling. Going to put mainly softies up on the overhangs. I like corals with a lot of sway.


love the aquascape did you drop the rock or did you just put the pipes around the mix
Brand New 75 Gallon install with BRS eco saver rock on glass with Fiji Pink Sand. Just searching for one more softball size piece to place on the right hand edge of the left column....

Here are some options of aquascapes I was thinking for my Pico Fluval Spec V 5 gal penninsula the dimensions are 17x6.5x10.75 essentially

Option #1 (unfortunately after I made this structure which is my favorite, I measured it and its like 8.75" tall plus my sand bed of 1.5" my total tank height is 10 5/8" tall so I am not sure its going to work out). I could cut the top piece that is too tall at like an angle so its not just a flat surface. Or just leave it alone (which I'd rather not do).



Option #2 (negate the clam shell entirely on this one, I needed something to hold up the aquascape)


On this 3rd picture I need to add a small rock here in the back left corner... I didn't feel like destroying a rock tonight so I might do that tomorrow.

Here is a look from above of structure #2.... the angle is off on the camera so it appears outside the max space but when looked straight down it isn't :)

Let me know what you guys think and which I should go with?
Wow I cant believe I just found this thread now.. awesome. Can you give me a recommendation on my scape? Thanks for your time!

Here are some options of aquascapes I was thinking for my Pico Fluval Spec V 5 gal penninsula the dimensions are 17x6.5x10.75 essentially

Option #1 (unfortunately after I made this structure which is my favorite, I measured it and its like 8.75" tall plus my sand bed of 1.5" my total tank height is 10 5/8" tall so I am not sure its going to work out). I could cut the top piece that is too tall at like an angle so its not just a flat surface. Or just leave it alone (which I'd rather not do).



Option #2 (negate the clam shell entirely on this one, I needed something to hold up the aquascape)


On this 3rd picture I need to add a small rock here in the back left corner... I didn't feel like destroying a rock tonight so I might do that tomorrow.

Here is a look from above of structure #2.... the angle is off on the camera so it appears outside the max space but when looked straight down it isn't :)

Let me know what you guys think and which I should go with?
I really like option 2!
Can I get some feedback on my first aquascape :-)
View attachment 226996

Thanks. Emmanuel

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Looks great but i would remove that large piece top right as it is making your overall scape too even side to side. With that removed you will have a nice slope down left to right and more importantly more room for coral growth. If you like it how it is that is all that's important so please don't take offense, i'm just throwing you an idea. :)
You have good depth of field with your layout and heaps of area for coral placement. Nice open structure for good water flow - as i said mate, you've done very well for your first scape. :)
I want to re-scape my tank. Opinions on my current scape ?

To my eye it looks too even. If you moved either a left or right side top rock over to the top of other side there would be a slope and it would loose it's symmetry. Which side to move? Well that depends on where the tank is in the room and what 'flow' you want to achieve.
I agree. But (and I've just read through this entire thread) I would suggest staying away from the rote "two mountains with a pass in between".

Among other things, I practice bonsai (for about the last 12 years). One of the things that you learn after making a lot of mistakes is that a tree that follows all of the rules (rule of thirds, perspective, etc...) sucks. It's boring and formulaic. Yet, when examined against the rules, nothing can be found that's "wrong".

What you want is to follow most of the rules and break a couple. In your tank, this is what I'd suggest. Pick either the right or left side, and remove rocks from it and place them on the pile on the other side. The goal is a heavily sloping "reef finger" jutting out into the sand. If you're brave and don't mind really upsetting the inhabitants by moving lots of stuff, put a slight curve towards the front of the tank into the "finger". Then, assuming you have room, make a small, low island in the sand at the end of the finger (think the "period" at the bottom of an exclamation mark). Remove everything else from the sand.

You can make the small "island" at the end of the "reef finger" out of living coral if you wish; one idea is to put the zoa colonies into an interesting shape and use that as the island.
I agree. But (and I've just read through this entire thread) I would suggest staying away from the rote "two mountains with a pass in between".

Among other things, I practice bonsai (for about the last 12 years). One of the things that you learn after making a lot of mistakes is that a tree that follows all of the rules (rule of thirds, perspective, etc...) sucks. It's boring and formulaic. Yet, when examined against the rules, nothing can be found that's "wrong".

What you want is to follow most of the rules and break a couple. In your tank, this is what I'd suggest. Pick either the right or left side, and remove rocks from it and place them on the pile on the other side. The goal is a heavily sloping "reef finger" jutting out into the sand. If you're brave and don't mind really upsetting the inhabitants by moving lots of stuff, put a slight curve towards the front of the tank into the "finger". Then, assuming you have room, make a small, low island in the sand at the end of the finger (think the "period" at the bottom of an exclamation mark). Remove everything else from the sand.

You can make the small "island" at the end of the "reef finger" out of living coral if you wish; one idea is to put the zoa colonies into an interesting shape and use that as the island.

This is a very interesting idea. Would you mind making a rough drawing in paint or some other drawing program and post a pic of what you are describing?
Hmm - Well, I'll give it a shot. I'm good at engineering drafting, not so much at free-hand. ;-)

If you know CAD or something similar then all the better! I just didn't want to put out such a request not knowing your background. Yeah, if you don't mind and it isn't too much of a bother.

I'm actually looking for advice on my own build and it may be tricky because it uses a closed loop system. I always appreciate a second option from a neutral party.
