I think it depends a lot on what sort of branches you receive... Not all are what I'd call "clusters" like in the picture you reference ... some are long and straighter, others are more complex. One of mine is a natural physically connected oval of two branches that grew together (on right end of photo below); another came as a rather long and heavy base structure almost looking like a hand (middle bottom coming out towards you). I have another single piece I didn't use that is almost like a club -- close to 4" across and nearly 18" long. A monster that would have worked well for a structural support perhaps, but just didn't fit in for me in the end.
I personally elected to go with a combo of Fiji, a few shelves and then used branch to set things off as I was looking for something perhaps a bit more realistic, but with plenty of caves, overhangs, and varying levels for corals I may get into. I'm pretty happy with what I have cycling at the moment. This does not quite do it justice in terms of 3D, but I did a quick snapshot for you below and put the rule-of-thirds over it. The photo is a bit askew, but I think you can still get the gest of where I started.
Again, depending on the type of branches you actually receive, using rule-of-thirds to get you started should be very possible.