Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

This is my newly setup 40 breeder. Tried to do a minimalist setup but I'm sorta in between. Suggestions?
Please critique my aquascape. What do you think?


I think it looks great. Let the cluster on the L grow more and prune the one on the R down more then you have contrast in size and height. That would be perfect. I think toy with add a little really low on the R side woulf be great also.
Almost perfect as it is IMO
Hey guys what are your thoughts on this aquascaping:

If you can tell, I have a center overflow. I want to have a mixed reef. I am trying to have areas for the fish to swing through the rock for shelter from bigger fish.
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^ No offense, but it looks like a jumble of rocks stacked together.

Try to arrange them so that they don't have that stacked look. Try to create more differences in heights and depths. Perhaps two or three discrete "islands" or outcropping of rocks each with different heights. Also, try to create more nooks/overhangs/arches if you can.

Just my 2 cents.
^ No offense, but it looks like a jumble of rocks stacked together.

Try to arrange them so that they don't have that stacked look. Try to create more differences in heights and depths. Perhaps two or three discrete "islands" or outcropping of rocks each with different heights. Also, try to create more nooks/overhangs/arches if you can.

Just my 2 cents.

No offense taken. Definitely appreciate the input. I will be getting my sand early next week and will take another stab at it. I wish I had a few more bigger pieces that would allow for better scaping. Right now I have a lot of smaller pieces. My wife didn't like it either. :debi:
i created a thread earlier but figure might as well post pics here too since it gets more traffic. let me know what you guys think




No offense taken. Definitely appreciate the input. I will be getting my sand early next week and will take another stab at it. I wish I had a few more bigger pieces that would allow for better scaping. Right now I have a lot of smaller pieces. My wife didn't like it either. :debi:

Give some thought while it won't likely impact your cycle too much, to removing a couple of pieces and using epoxy or other means to join them together to form a larger piece. That will give you more ability to have overhangs and caves, as well as break up the relative similar-size-appearance of the rocks you have. I did that befor adding water and it helped a lot with providing variation that stacking alone would never allow.

Good luck!
Here is what I'm thinking.



Left Front

Front Left

Right (really bad bc the stand I'm building is in the way)

Another left
I am pending a new SPS 180 tank and I have read through this entire thread trying to pick and choose all the awesome designs many of you have incorporated. Check out this company I found, they make rock that is supposedly inert and not harvested from the wild, therefore no impact on nature. Also, it is PH neutral and can be added to already running tanks. I thought this may be a good idea so you don't have to cook your rock worrying about what undesirable creature may be hitchhiking. Anyway, take a look and let me know your thoughts. Also anyone have any experience with this company??
Wondering how the rule of thirds would apply to tonga branch rock, and if anyone had examples.

Found this on the internet and liked it, but I don't see how it uses the principles described earlier in the thread. There is some negative space created by the "shelf", but basically, it looks like one big structure to me although I like it.
Wondering how the rule of thirds would apply to tonga branch rock, and if anyone had examples.

Found this on the internet and liked it, but I don't see how it uses the principles described earlier in the thread. There is some negative space created by the "shelf", but basically, it looks like one big structure to me although I like it.

I think it depends a lot on what sort of branches you receive... Not all are what I'd call "clusters" like in the picture you reference ... some are long and straighter, others are more complex. One of mine is a natural physically connected oval of two branches that grew together (on right end of photo below); another came as a rather long and heavy base structure almost looking like a hand (middle bottom coming out towards you). I have another single piece I didn't use that is almost like a club -- close to 4" across and nearly 18" long. A monster that would have worked well for a structural support perhaps, but just didn't fit in for me in the end.

I personally elected to go with a combo of Fiji, a few shelves and then used branch to set things off as I was looking for something perhaps a bit more realistic, but with plenty of caves, overhangs, and varying levels for corals I may get into. I'm pretty happy with what I have cycling at the moment. This does not quite do it justice in terms of 3D, but I did a quick snapshot for you below and put the rule-of-thirds over it. The photo is a bit askew, but I think you can still get the gest of where I started.

Again, depending on the type of branches you actually receive, using rule-of-thirds to get you started should be very possible.


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I decided, while removing a sps loving flame angel, to redo the layout of my rock work. Let me know what you think. The old layout was a rock wall.


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