Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Heres mine before and after, Did it last night
Green coral in the back left cornor is going to be fragged out and placed around the tank. It had a lot of die off from a tank crash
LMK what you think


I'm really not happy with this layout. It's natural looking enough, my fish swim in and out and all, but I hate the two overflows showing. Would any of you change this layout if it were your tank? Sorry for the video link, my phone camera totally blows. The opening shot shows the entire tank.

Beautiful fish and corals!

It would not be difficult to create two non-symmetrical structures to cover the overflows and have open sand between, again keep the sand off center. Work the structures so they angle into the tank.
Thanks! That's what I was thinking of doing, actually. Unfortunately I'm not able physically to do the job. What do you mean by angling "into the tank"?
Well, I took the plunge and did it! I'm rendering some early video right now and I'll put up the link when it's done. Thanks again, Lavoisier, for the encouragement! Although I'm sure I'm gonna feel it in the morning ;-)

EDIT: Here's the url. It's still processing as I type this, so if you just happen to be reading this now, and the video doesn't play, that's why. Just give it another half hour.
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Sigh.......I think I need to rework my LR and actually epoxy/glue some piece just allows a much nicer display. Getting it out when/if I break the tank down to upgrade will be a pita though.
Well, I took the plunge and did it! I'm rendering some early video right now and I'll put up the link when it's done. Thanks again, Lavoisier, for the encouragement! Although I'm sure I'm gonna feel it in the morning ;-)

EDIT: Here's the url. It's still processing as I type this, so if you just happen to be reading this now, and the video doesn't play, that's why. Just give it another half hour.

Wow! That looks great. I hope you do not pay too high a physical price but the aquascape looks grand. :p Sorry I did not get back sooner about the angling but the point is to stay asymmetric. I think you achieved that goal. If you do not have a build thread, I hope you start one...I would enjoy watching your tank mature.
Some of these aquascapes particularly Oregonreefs and the Japanese reef tank are stunning. However one thing many of them have in common is crazy 4 ft + depth. I would honestly love a tank this deep to work with however I find it difficult to find a place for it in the home where it fits nicely and not jutting out like a sore thumb unless it's an in wall design. Until then I'll have to live with my 24inch depth =/
Left side is partially cemented, right side is workable comments suggestions? dd 150 36x36x27 cardboard is same length as tank.

Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Left side is partially cemented, right side is workable comments suggestions? dd 150 36x36x27 cardboard is same length as tank.

That's seriously pimp. The dimension is right. Maybe trim the height a little on the right side if you can...that center cave is going to be a great spot for down the road coral placement.
That's seriously pimp. The dimension is right. Maybe trim the height a little on the right side if you can...that center cave is going to be a great spot for down the road coral placement.

Thanks, yeah you're right they aren't supposed to be equal height so I removed the peak on the right side. I'm planning on mp40's on the back wall one on the left other on the right pulling flow back down the center channel.
Heres mine before and after, Did it last night
Green coral in the back left cornor is going to be fragged out and placed around the tank. It had a lot of die off from a tank crash
LMK what you think



It is funny how those changes made such an improvement! Very nice!
I went with less is more, there's very little rock in this tank.


Hopefully it can help inspire people looking for something new. :)
Useful idiot ha, love the name. That is a killer scape, I really like it. Kinda reminiscent of an imperial star destroyer from star wars, it looks awesome. The only suggestion I might make would be to slightly shift the front of the right structure to the right, keeping the back in the same place, if it was a pair of legs, spreading the legs. I think having a wider opening in front would give more of the sense of depth to the scape. Great job though. That is my only critique.