Heres mine before and after, Did it last night
Green coral in the back left cornor is going to be fragged out and placed around the tank. It had a lot of die off from a tank crash
LMK what you think
I'm really not happy with this layout. It's natural looking enough, my fish swim in and out and all, but I hate the two overflows showing. Would any of you change this layout if it were your tank? Sorry for the video link, my phone camera totally blows. The opening shot shows the entire tank.
Well, I took the plunge and did it! I'm rendering some early video right now and I'll put up the link when it's done. Thanks again, Lavoisier, for the encouragement! Although I'm sure I'm gonna feel it in the morning ;-)
EDIT: Here's the url. It's still processing as I type this, so if you just happen to be reading this now, and the video doesn't play, that's why. Just give it another half hour.
That's seriously pimp. The dimension is right. Maybe trim the height a little on the right side if you can...that center cave is going to be a great spot for down the road coral placement.
Heres mine before and after, Did it last night
Green coral in the back left cornor is going to be fragged out and placed around the tank. It had a lot of die off from a tank crash
LMK what you think