Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Why isn't aquascaping taken more seriously in the SW world compared to FW? Is it due to the lack of contests or lack of an innovator like Takashi Amano?

I see planted tanks and it just soothes my soul to look at them despite the fact that they lack all the vivid colors of a reef. I mean most of them are green with a touch of red here and there.


I'd love to see a reef aquarium done in a similar fashion.

Grow out time I believe plays a huge factor, less aquascapes are made by true artists as they are busy waiting on their aquascape to grow in. Where as in planted it takes no time at all to grow. Just my 2 cents.
Amano himself - the guru of of FW aquascaping - tried to emulate the aesthetic in a reef but even he couldn't do it...corals just have a mind of their own, I suppose! They're more unpredictable than plants...I'm just guessing though.

He said he just can't "beat nature" with saltwater like he can with fresh in this article:

Oh, and planted tanks do take time to evolve into the final's not just plug and play. Plants are easier to manipulate and trim I think.
Question, My tank is done cycling and I have one clown in the tank. Im not happy with my landscape of 50lbs of rock and 40lbs of live sand in a 60gal 48x15x20.
Will it hurt my tank to re adjust the rock before my cuc come this next week?
Re-did my rock work this weekend. I didn't know what I was doing when I first set this tank up so I kinda just threw it all in there. But I did some more research and found this thread to get some ideas. So, this is what I came up with this weekend. I like it even though it's a little symmetrical. I think it looks more open, with more swimming room for the fishes. I was trying to hide as much plumbing as possible with the clear back.


Ps. Sorry about the crappy cell phone pics.
I redesigned my landscape yesterday. Found out that I need more LR, so back to the LFS next week when I have the funds. ( got a HOB Eshopps skimmer) Im going to make a 2nd island on the right side and add some more height to the right side.

My tank is a 60gal tall and it only has a depth of 15" and 48" long. I need a tank with more depth perception. Sorry for the crappy cell phone pic and supplies next to the tank


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I saw a lot of amazing scape all involved minimum rocks work. Being a newbie myself i thought there is a certain ratio of rocks to tank volume. By using min. Rocks how do you have sufficient nitrifying bacteria to convert ammonia and nitrite?
Hey Mightyfish, here is my tank (no idea if the aquascape is amazing or not :D ).

Tank is 155g, 72"x24"x21". That is a mix of Marco and Tonga LR, total of 85 lbs.
I definitely think the old "rule" of 1-2lbs/ gal is dated. But I am not sure if there is a hard and fast rule about minimalistic aquascapes.
Here's mine for a 20 gallon long. It may not be as good as some of these, but I like it.


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I saw a thread the other day that had a youtube video of an older bald dude setting up a large reef tank, I cant find the link and I need to see it again. He was putting 1/2 inch acrylic rods into a "masonry stone" base in which to stack live rock on the rods. I want to watch it again but can't find the video.

What is "masonry stone" I went to homedepot and they dont have that. But a quick google search shows there are multiple type such as brick, clay brick, concrete etc..

What is safe for a reef tank?
I saw a thread the other day that had a youtube video of an older bald dude setting up a large reef tank, I cant find the link and I need to see it again. He was putting 1/2 inch acrylic rods into a "masonry stone" base in which to stack live rock on the rods. I want to watch it again but can't find the video.

What is "masonry stone" I went to homedepot and they dont have that. But a quick google search shows there are multiple type such as brick, clay brick, concrete etc..

What is safe for a reef tank?

As your search demonstrated there are a variety of materials that might compose "masonry stone." Some of these can adversely effect our tanks several will not. I don't have the expertise or experience tell you which ones. I'd research the builds here on RC that have used them (I've seen a number of threads that discuss the particular types). You could also try your question on the chemistry forum.