Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Any suggestions anyone?

Just my preference but that appears to be two piles of rocks on both slides rather than a natural looking structure. I might think about making some added arches/open caves and maybe also consider combining in to one overall mountain which tapers from high to low. I would also paint the back of the to make your colors pop more with the fish and corals.

Just what I would do...most important thing is if you like how it looks regardless.
Thank you for taking the time to give your input! I cleaned up the middle completely and the front of the right mountain. On the left i created a nice double arch and the horse shoe looks a lot better. I'm really aiming for two structures but you're right. I need either an arch or a cave on the right. Not trying to make excuses but the white rock is really tough to photograph and show any depth. I'll update the pictures in a month when it's got some colour and coral and see what you all think. Thanks again!
Hey like this thread it's great and has gave me some good ides to go off.

One thing do you have any tips for column tank. Mine is 56 30 x18 x 24
I'm glad people are still finding my article helpful and, i appreciate all the kind words =) I have been out of the hobby due to some health issues, but im in the planning stages of my new shallow reef build. I will try my best to help you guys with any advice or questions you may have!

You are a rock star! Folks just need to read your original posts. Thank you so much for your labor!:lol2:
A slight adjustment after the helpful suggestions. The cave on the right is deeper than it looks. I'm really happy with how this turned out. Any further suggestions are more than welcome.


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Hers mine try on aquascaping
sorry for pictures being so blue, my iphone 6 goes nuts with the T5's
<a href="" title="48x36 by Piotr Drozdz, on Flickr"><img src="" width="800" height="600" alt="48x36"></a>
<a href="" title="48x36 by Piotr Drozdz, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="48x36"></a>
<a href="" title="48x36 by Piotr Drozdz, on Flickr"><img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="48x36"></a>
Not my best rock scape, but I'm enjoying the way the fish swim through and around all the close islands. Usually re-scape every 5 months or so.



I'm glad people are still finding my article helpful and, i appreciate all the kind words =) I have been out of the hobby due to some health issues, but im in the planning stages of my new shallow reef build. I will try my best to help you guys with any advice or questions you may have!

This thread and your original examples explanations have been so helpful!
I am happy to hear you are planning a new reef and getting back into the hobby!

still playing around with my setup. Any feedback welcome
I think the height is a bit to uniform but not using any support (just stacked) and this is stable for now. Hope to address that with mixed height corals....eventually



right side tunnels.jpg
A slight adjustment after the helpful suggestions. The cave on the right is deeper than it looks. I'm really happy with how this turned out. Any further suggestions are more than welcome.

to my untrained eye - i think your 2nd attempt looks much better (especially what you did on the left)

Only suggestion - maybe cover/paint the back so you can't see the wall/wires. I used black posterboard just taped along the top and it seems to work great.
Seen some really great scapes here but using thema with live rock in a 92 gallon corner tank is much more difficult than i expected....

Could use some input!



Looks great yellowrubi! What kind of rock did you use?

I used some rock from , and than a friend of mine gave me some more, to be honest I don't know what I have :)
I just acid washed everything and soaked it in RO and than saltwater for a month