Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

You need to open a photobucket account or something similar. Once you upload an image to Photobucket there will be a few codes associated with the photo. One will be an code. Copy that link and post it in your thread.

It will look something similar to this:

[IMG] [url][/url] [/URL]

But there are images above without the links to another site?
But there are images above without the links to another site?


there is links, you just cant see them because of the tags people use in their post around the url of the image. those tags cause the image to show up instead of text.

That code you see in his post
that tag causes the picture to post in your reply.

for example if i type in

it shows u the link, but if you add in the tags, it causes it to show up as a picture in the post, but you need to have that picture online already somewhere such as photobucket, or dropbox public folder like i use to do this.

in the picture below i typed in

[img] [URL][/URL]

i have spaces between the tags and the url so u can see the link.
without the spaces, it just shows up as a picture, like right below this line.

Trying lol...[img]




What am I doing wrong! LOL

Any opinion ?

Looks very good.. Plenty of room for corals. I'd be inclined to have those small pieces in the middle at the front ( Left section ) behind the rock they are currently in front off.. So you have more open sand area leading your eye back and right between the two rock islands..

And the small piece in the front on the right island.. i'd move left a little so you create a nice diagonal line from top right to bottom middle at the start of the sand bed area which would draw your eye down towards the middle and then off to the back right..
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Looks very good.. Plenty of room for corals. I'd be inclined to have those small pieces in the middle at the front ( Left section ) behind the rock they are currently in front off.. So you have more open sand area leading your eye back and right between the two rock islands..

And the small piece in the front on the right island.. i'd move left a little so you create a nice diagonal line from top right to bottom middle at the start of the sand bed area which would draw your eye down towards the middle and then off to the back right..

Perfectly stated.

Let me know what you guys think :D:D:D

Must try harder ;)

Take some inspiration from post 1204 above, notice the nice lines and the way the rock is kinda all structured so the natural lines in the rock are flowing in the same direction..

Your rock has some good 'island' appeal, maybe have a look at some Igwagumi reef images.. for some inspiration. Also have a look at this article generally, which has some nice inspirational images at the bottom ;)

Don't forget, you can purchase products such as MarinePure which allow you to reduce the quantity of rock in the tank.. Open water and nice clean sand beds IMO look very natural.. Less is more!
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This is a great thread. I just set up my 220 and used ideas from this thread for my scape. My wife LOVED the aquascape
Is that you're pic in your Avatar Reel? If so looks awesome!

I can't wait to move and set up a nice 200g reef! Just need more room lol
After an unfortunate rock slide (nothing injured luckily) I had the pleasure to spend a majority (all) of my day re-aquascaping most of my setup. While I had my rocks scattered throughout the tank I took the opportunity to remove half of my sand and sift out the awful looking bits of shells that were scattered throughout. This is the best I could do after approximately 15+ tries. Let me know you you guys and gals think. I am considering adding a small piece of real rock shelf rock to the top to add a bit of a two tier look but am going to wait a few weeks first before I make my decision.
Right side
Left side
The right side base has a ledge that stick out approximately 1.5" but is hidden slightly because of the higher sand levels along the right side of the tank currently.
Well I have seen some amazing scapes in this thread and I have attempted some scapes for my 47 gal column, 18x20x31 so small footprint has really limited me. This is my first attempt at a reef tank so I would really appreciate
any comments, advice , or criticism . I have built 6 scapes trying to get it right.
the 5th one I added some shelf near the base and made a couple minor adjustments to the 5th and I was much happier with it, Please let me know that you think.... I am leaning toward one of the taller columns but wanted some feedback from everyone . Id rather do it right the first time.
scape 1.jpg




I have always found my tank a real challenge to aquascape. Since it is viewed from all four sides, the overflows have to be incorporated into it. My last tank had one large overflow in the center. This one has two offset to the sides. I made an arch and like this one a lot better than the last. Here it is at one year old.
Mine's been up and running for a couple of months now. All softies, fish and inverts. Lots of open space all around it and through it. Caves and ledges all over. The back wall is completely manufactured out of pond foam, gorilla glue and aragonite to hide my corner overflow and eliminates any corners in the back. Anything floating in the tank stays suspended and keeps flowing round and round the rockwork.

Only two dead spots within the rockwork, on the sand, and even there any sinking pellets stay swirling around in little eddys. Corals have grown out more than when this pic was taken.

here is mine. im moving soon so ill end up dismounting the lps corals. when I set it back up though I need to arrange the colors better. anyone have any ideas? right now the only encrusted coral is a bright green montipora spongodes on the far left rock inbetween the frogspawn and torch
