But there are images above without the links to another site?
there is links, you just cant see them because of the tags people use in their post around the url of the image. those tags cause the image to show up instead of text.
That code you see in his post
that tag causes the picture to post in your reply.
for example if i type in
it shows u the link, but if you add in the tags, it causes it to show up as a picture in the post, but you need to have that picture online already somewhere such as photobucket, or dropbox public folder like i use to do this.
in the picture below i typed in
[img] [URL]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70013956/2015-06-17%2011.55.29%20colorful%20resize.jpg[/URL]
i have spaces between the tags and the url so u can see the link.
without the spaces, it just shows up as a picture, like right below this line.