Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Joe, I bought the cube 2 years ago. :D. But I have been following your thread closely as I am slowly switching my tank from softy/LPS to SPS/LPS. So I was going to post this in your thread but here works to, what are your tanks dimensions and have you a picture of your rock work when you set it up?
I love this set up and am considering switching mine to something similar....

Joe, I bought the cube 2 years ago. :D. But I have been following your thread closely as I am slowly switching my tank from softy/LPS to SPS/LPS. So I was going to post this in your thread but here works to, what are your tanks dimensions and have you a picture of your rock work when you set it up?
I love this set up and am considering switching mine to something similar


That's even funnier because that photo is in my thread early on. It was the inspiration for my first aquascape in 2007. Here's a shot from back then. Today I would do two simple slopes with about half the rock. Take a look at ReefBum's progression. Follow the link below and click through the pictures of his full tank shots. Notice the original was just two small rock piles and that turned into an amazing reef. I feel the key is to leave lots of room for growth and use as little rock as possible.

ReefBum's 225g TOTM



yeah i like the minimalist look too. i will probably get some of my rock out and put it in the sump. Im not sure yet, it depends on what it looks like once i start changing it around. I might end up keeping it all in the tank, who knows! :lol:

Newbie Tank would like like to say thanks to a post that I stumbled across from 6 years ago. Inspiration to make a shadowbox background


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Trying to figure out the final layout for my Lagoon 25 office tank. I think I'm basically going to stick with this or a variation of it. Front island is fine but I'm not sure if I'm 100% on the back formation. Powerhead has been moved to back, bottom left corner.



This was my other option


Any tips?

From what I took out of this thread is to not bunch everything up. You can see in mine and the one below yours how there's a bigger section of rock than a small little section. I think this makes it more realistic. Something you would see in the wild. Try and make one bigger pile with maybe a cliff or something to make it stand out. Than a smaller little section off to the side. Or move that pile to the 2/3 mark and that interesting piece.
From what I took out of this thread is to not bunch everything up. You can see in mine and the one below yours how there's a bigger section of rock than a small little section. I think this makes it more realistic. Something you would see in the wild. Try and make one bigger pile with maybe a cliff or something to make it stand out. Than a smaller little section off to the side. Or move that pile to the 2/3 mark and that interesting piece.
Yeah I'm probably going to do the 2 island thing. Thanks for the advice!