Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Great to hear!

Thanks! I'm sorry but i dont know the answer to this question. Maybe someone else can answer or searching online on the topic.

Yep yep. I also think clear backgrounds make for a cleaner tank with absolutely nothing on the back of the tank. Hiding the overflow behind rocks makes for a nice clean tank but you have to avoid the "rock wall" look.

Any suggestion on colour for back, my tank builder is going to black it out, dark blue better? Or doesn't matter. How does one clean the back if the tank is against a wall, razor blade on a stick?
There are assorted scrapers with different length arms. Suppose you could try a mag float with the dry side on a stick lol.... My 300g is going to be at least a foot out from wall so I can squeeze behind a little.
Trying to figure out the final layout for my Lagoon 25 office tank. I think I'm basically going to stick with this or a variation of it. Front island is fine but I'm not sure if I'm 100% on the back formation. Powerhead has been moved to back, bottom left corner.



This was my other option


first def
Here are some shots of my aquascape in SCA 150 gallon.


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Broke my rocks up into smaller pieces and took the purple life rock out. I tried to do it myself and it just looked terrible so I had to get the wife and put her artistic abilities to use and this is what we came up with! Also added a GSP but it's not opened up yet and and skunk cleaner

This is my current scape. I liked the minimalistic look, but now I'm kinda wishing I had done a lot of rock as it gives you more room to place frags and corals.
Aquascaping Guidance

Aquascaping Guidance

Hey all aquascaping gurus. I have been reading this thread for quite some time. Even with all the reading, when it comes to doing it yourself, you can get a creative block and what best to post some ideas in the thread for some assistance. I have a 67g 36x18x19 that I am currently cycling and I finally got in my Marco Rock E-400 to start my aquascape. Here are some ideas that I have been pushing around before committing to putting the cement on them. Any input is greatly appreciated. I would like to have the aquascape hammered out by the weekend if possible.

Tank Shot:

Idea 1:

Idea 2:

Idea 3:

Idea 4 (would need to do something to the left side):

I was thinking about having something that slopes from left to right on the left side with a ledge of some sort to create some shading in the middle of the tank. Any input is greatly appreciated.

I plan on keeping zoanthids, LPS, and a anemone in this setup.
Great thread and insights!

You should write a book on the subject ;).

I am currently cycling my 910L reef and the aquascape is a very important factor for me and the end result.


- All equipment and pumps have been placed behind a wall of reef ceramics on the right side to avoid visual interference. This also creates a dramatic reef wall going up to the surface of the tank. From the right side I have then made the other parts progressively smaller towards the left side and I will have this in mind when the corals grow.


- For the middle part I have tried to make a spiral formation that moves in a circular and upward movement. This is a bit hard to see in the photos but I think it will look good with the right corals/planning/trimming.


- On the left side I have tried to resemble the vertical islands seen outside Thailand for example and also try to add visual depth by placing a smaller rock in the foreground (the plan is for this rock to be covered in ricordea later for the size to remain small).


To add interest and improve circulation and hiding spots for the inhabitants I have chiseled out several kg of rock to make caves that run through the rocks. This also adds visual depth to the scene and a three dimensional feel to it (also hard to see in the photos). I have also added shelves to some of the rocks but these will likely be removed later when the corals have grown to avoid a cramped impression.

I will try to keep the sand free of corals to keep the open spaces ... open :).

I would highly appreciate feedback and pointers from you guys at this stage and look forward to more inspiration in this thread.

Greetings from Finland.


How did you get such white looking sand and rocks?!
