Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Blue jaw trigger. So far so good! (Aside from being a potential jumper.. I put the mesh top on for now)

Nice I am guessing that is the same as a Blue Throat Triggerfish (Xanthichthys auromarginatus)

I have been thinking of getting one.. MY lfs has one but right now it has a cloudy eye.. Trying to see if they will hold it for me.. it is 4".

Just to show how big that middle ledge is:
It comes at one point about 2 to 3 inches from the front.
That is a 6 foot tank.


How do you have that ledge suspended?

I've been looking to do something similar, (Floating ledge) but a reliable method of securing it has kept me from doing so....
I really like that ledge. Did you use magnets or acrylic braces?

Thank you.

Black acrylic. It blends perfect with the back ground, basically I made shelves. bottom is hidden under the sand.

The shelves supported them without it but I did add a little silicone to them to help them stay close to the glass in the back and not lean forward. I just used a small bead.

I made one mistake though and you can see it a little in the picture. I added a little more support to make sure the back support did not flex at all but I used clear acrylic and it is slightly visible. It is the glue seam that you can see.

The actual shelf that holds the rock was harder to hide and make natural looking, I was super gluing little pieces of rock under the shelf.. Actually allot of the aquascaping was done by my girlfriend.

I used realreef shelf rock. It comes in different size including massive. It is perfect for shelves.
It is a man made rock.

There are two youtube videos that help..
One uses glass and just glued the shelves right to the aquarium.
The other uses acrylic but just glues it right to the tank.
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Just got a load of Marco rocks in today..... :)


Was so excited I got right to work. I still have 50lbs of rock curing....not sure how I'm going to use those yet. This is a 180g 72x24x24. The cardboard is the footprint of the tank.



very nice. where kind of rock did you use? Where did you get it?


It's pukani dry rock, I'm from the UK and purchased it from my lfs. It's great to work with, very light and pours and they rocks for together really easy like a jigsaw so you can make them look like one rock, or add a bit of rubble over the join.
Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

Any advice on my structure?
Something doesn't seem right to me and I'm not sure what it is. The back will be painted black.


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Any advice on my structure?
Something doesn't seem right to me and I'm not sure what it is. The back will be painted black.


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Personally, most arches people build look very unnatural....yours is better than most, but still very unnatural. I would personally spend more time making them fit together seamlessly, rather than look like a human stacked rocks.

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