Tips and Tricks on Creating Amazing Aquascapes

I said it at the beginning of this thread and I'll say it again now . . .

Aquascape can be so much more than rockwork. If you are interested in growing a reef at home the rockwork is almost irrelevant as it merely acts as a platform for corals that grow and become the focus of the aquarium.

January 2015

November 2016

that is amazing. How did you get the anemone to stay on the island?
Can I get some feedback and tips on the best way to create arched scapes like this or some of the ones that are one large island with part of it suspended like the last pic.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo F020EB53-E336-46AD-9925-FCA15714B103_zps3fg58nw6.jpg"></a>
Do you need to really run anything like fiberglass rods or PVC inside some of the rocks? I'm hoping that just using some Marco rock emacro cement to slowly bond the rocks together as I go to make the arch. I don't see how I could make a fluid arch with PVC in the center

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You should be ok with that marco cement if you take your time and you have a way to hold the pieces in place while the cement cures. That stuff is strong. But using fiberglass rods to give you a piece of mind is not a bad idea either.
Thanks for the responses guys. I know about the fiberglass rods from lowes that a lot of people recommend but wasn't sure if that would work for my type of scape since I don't think they bend much at all.

I really like the 1st one and think I might go that route. I like that the arch but also that the base on one side extends out on either side to give it some stability.

My next favorite is the 3rd picture but that one seems harder to make and more risky. You need a really solid base so it won't topple over when you extend out to one side for the overhang.

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Ok, a recent moce called for a redo/rebuild of my tank, so I'm playing w/ the scape a little, this is what I have right now.

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That's a great looking tank!!
Have learned so much just by reading the posts on this forum. There is a wealth of info here. Keep it up!! :)
My Biocube29 mock up

My Biocube29 mock up

New reefer here. Here is my first try. Roughly 30lbs. Thoughts?


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New reefer here. Here is my first try. Roughly 30lbs. Thoughts?

The rock looks good but a moc up may help. Use card board and cut it to the shape of the bottom of your tank. Then position the rocks the way this thread recommends in the beginning or however you want them. Rubber bands are great for helping to hold a few together as you try out different ideas. Then post new pics of what you come up with. Good luck
The is the aquascape I made for a 40 breeder. This is a peninsula build. I think I want a little more sand bed between the two structures.

Any suggestions overall?

