Tips on upgrading to bigger tank. Please!!


since you brought this up.. is that all the filtration you were running in that tank? bio balls and a skimmer? how did that work out? reason i am asking is because i am going to follow your same foot steps for my 55 long.

since you brought this up.. is that all the filtration you were running in that tank? bio balls and a skimmer? how did that work out? reason i am asking is because i am going to follow your same foot steps for my 55 long.

Bax- Im not a believer in Bio balls, but i bought that 40G sump as you see it from a local aquarium builder. I did not remove them as i felt it was not that many to create a Nitrate issue, and considered them beneficial to decrease micro bubbles. And knew that if i had a nitrate issue they would be gone.

No, it was not just bio balls, and skimmer. In the first chamber i put Miracle mud, and some live rock. Did that help to keep all parameters in check?. I dont know, but that tank was definaelty successgul as well.

I have since then switched to a 200. You can see the build on link below. In this tank there is no bioballs, no mud, no live rocks in sump, just the same big skimmer. It was oversized for the 120G. My parameters are still in check. But I do have a microbubble issue. I hope to respolve that this weekend since MACNA is over and I have my life back, LOL :bounce3: If my plan to decrease microbubbles does not pan out, im considering adding bio balls to help.

If you plan on using this same setup and still have questions, feel free to reach out to me with questions. Ide be happy to help.