Titanium Heaters good/bad???


New member
My 200w Ebo just went crazy and the only possible replacment my lfs has in stock is the via aqua titanium heater. Has anyone used one? What did you think....
I used one once. It musta been defective cuz it put massive amounts of voltage into my tank. I would get a serious shock every time I put my hand in the water. Anyway, I hear a lot of people swear by them. Just sharing my experience.
I use one and like it. I have had two glass haters break on me and kill all my livstock.You think its bad getting a little jult I almost passed out it got me so bad
Ok I ran to the store and got one. I am having a problem with it. My tanks temp is reading 85 on two digital thermometers."that's thanks to my ebo" I know its way to high but the new heater which I set to 77 will not shut off!!! Any suggestions????
Why cant they just make a heater with an accurate built in thermometer. I had to do like a week or two of tweeking with every heater i've ever had. Keep lowering the temp on the heater till it goes off. Then it should be close to correct. Watch your tank temp, make sure it does not go too low. See what temp it keeps the tank when you set it. Ex. if you set it to 75, what temp does it make the tank. If it makes the tank 80, then you know to subtract 5 degrees from the temp you actually want when you set the heater.
I turned the temp down all the way down to 65 and it just keeps on heating. All I can think is that something is defective. It really sucks because the store is already closed so I'm stuck with it for the night. It could just be operator error but It's hard to tell when the instructions are so limited "in print & on the companies web page" Help!!! Please tell me I'm overlooking somthing
is there a lot of flow in your tank? The heater may just be in a cold spot due to lack of flow(though i doubt that it is 65 degrees).
Also, the heater may just need to warm up. was it cool to the touch before you put it in? If it was it probably cooled the water immediatly around it. give it about ten min and see if it shuts off.
Well It should have plenty of flow It's in the same place my ebo was "next to a 400gph power head". I don't think its warming up the tank was and still is extremely warm. It's been in for a good 15 min. I'm just afraid that its gona keep heating all night. The only other option I have is to wrap up my tank in a blanket and hope for the best come morning....
Hmmmmmm. Well im not quite sure what to tell ya. try to fiddle with the heater some more. Read through the instuctions again. I guess the best advice I can give you at this point is to have a backup heater, one that you know works, ready for situations like this in the future.