<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6418901#post6418901 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rutz81
jdieck: Would you possivly be able to post a link with the "research"you are referring to?
I am by no means starting a BB v. DSB thread
Sure I do not want to go the BB vs DSB debate either :lol:
There is so much information on coral feeding. Here are some:
From Eric Borneman:
Anthony Calfo in his "Book of Coral Propagation" Vol one Ver 1.0
"Reading Trees Publication" Monroeville Pa.
Pages Pages 209 to 222 Tony discuss and reviews the different foods and feeding strategies for corals in general and in the second half of the book starting page 235 "Coral Selection & General Requirments" he revises by Coral Families and species the detail feeding requirments.
Regarding Acroporas I quote Page 241:
"Regarding the feeding of Acroporids, it is necessary to embrace some kind of nutritive supplementation. While many species have their need for carbon satisfiedmostly through photosynthesis, few will grow and reproduce naturally without feeding. It is important to point out that Acroporids maintained in fishless systems and without supplementation are likely to starve"
Other references:
Julian Sprung and J. C. Delbeck on "The Reef Aquarium" Vol 1
Ricordea Publishing
Also look for articles written by M. Paletta 1989 Seascope Vol 6;
A. Thiel 1988 The Marine Fish and Invert Aquarium Aardvak Press, Bridgeport, CT
Non related to aquarium or propagation but coral requirments and feeding strategiestake a look at:
Sorokin, Y. 1973. On the feeding of some scleractinian corals with bacteria and dissolved organic matter. Limnol.
Sebens, KP and AS Johnson 1991. Effects of water movement on prey cacapture and distribution of reef corals
Schiller, C and GJ Herndl 1989. Evidence of enhanced microbial activity in the intersticial space of branched corals: possible implications for coral metabolism.
Jen Veron "Corals of the World"