As you probably know the factory closes from Dec 23- Jan 7 just about every year. Typically they have sold out all they can produce in the time before. The first week they are open is taken up with inventory and bookkeeping. Long story short, we usually don't have any incoming shipments until late January. To this date we have only had 2 very small emergency parts shipments come in. Our first substantial shipment left the factory Feb 5th, unfortunately in landed in Philadelphia the day before the big blizzard hit and we lost some time in that and then it just became a comedy of errors, though I wouldn't say laughing has been my response. We are out of just about everything, the shelves are absolutely bare. This shipment was supposed to arrive February 12th, we will now likely see it February 19th and at this point we are so far behind it will take at least a week just to get caught up. After the blizzard delay, the forwarder neglected to contact me about various customs declarations that needed to be signed off on, they instead emailed Tunze in Germany, which is an instant 24hr penalty because of the time zone difference, to make it worse the email was blocked by a spam filter so after 5 days of sitting there I finally was able to track someone down and get the documents faxed to me so I could complete them. Frustration just barely begins to describe it and I am very, very sorry to everyone who is waiting, I am doing the best I can given the circumstances. For the last 2 weeks we have had almost no sales so it is very hard financially as well as just being ground down by being unable to supply critical parts that people need. The good news is that I think we finally got this shipment shaken loose and another shipment is behind it and the backorders will start to whittle away and the shelves will start to get stocked back up.