too much calcium-???


In Memoriam
hi guys

I star using a calcium reator for 2 weeks now everything looks like is working fine but my calcium is 500ppm and alk 13 to high I think my question is how I can reduce the cal and alk less co2???

btw I use salifert test kit

thanks for u help
One way to set a calcium reactor is to check the effluent ph. It should not go below 6.5 or it will turn your media to mush and not work as good as it should. My effluent ph is about 8.7 and that maintains alk and calcium levels . The other is to test your tanks alk. you want your reactor to keep it where it is not to raise it. you should test it at least once a day. if your alk is still at 13 tomarrow then it is set. If it goes up you need to turn down the co2 by about 5 bubbles a minute. if it is steady at 13 you can do a water change to lower it. The calcium at 500 is a little high but will not hurt anything same with alk 13 is a bit high 12 is as high as i like to go.
thanks a lot frank I already reduce the co2 a little be ,btw My effluent ph is about 8.8 , 8.9 i will test my cal and alk tomorrow and see what happens thanks again.....