Topic of the Week 2/28/11- Zoa/Paly beginners advice

OK I know I'm new but I have no idea what this statement means... diabetics?

#@!%$ iPhone spell check! How the heck did it correct "zoanthids" to "diabetics"?!


( Sent from a real computer running an operating system that let's me get myself in trouble and doesn't do it for me... )
Z's and P's need food! If you are not feeding your tank anything they will start to shrink into nothing within a few months. If you have fish in your tank, you're probably fine. But in a fishless system like I have, you need to give them something. I use Coral Frenzy and frozen Cyclope-eze.
The advise I tell everyone (yet no one listens ) is....Get on a local forum and on RC. That way you dont have to believe everything your LFS tells you. You can have more than one opinion, and get good deals on stuff like corals, tanks, ect.

I have a friend that wanted to start a tank, I told him to get on our local forum. Instead he kept talking to me and the LFS. When my advice clashed with the LFS he believed them over me on multiple occasions and his tank has suffered alot. He still to this day buys everything from the LFS and still is not on a forum. (end of my rant)
Avoid buying tiny frags of 1 and 2 polyps. You are just asking for trouble... The larger the polyp count, the better the success rate!