Topic of the Week - 3/7/11, What have you gained/learned from this forum?


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
Thanks to all who replied last week to the first TOTW. Last week we spoke to the newbies, this week, lets address the newbies and OG's alike. Next week we will begin to tackle the meaty topics. If you want the TOTW to continue and will be willing to participate, please choose a :thumbdown: or a :thumbsup:.

QUESTION - What have you gained/learned from this forum over the days, weeks, months or years since you've been here that has been vital and greatly contributed to your successful reefkeeping experience relative to zoas and palys?


Mucho Reef

To help increase the involvement by everyone here, if you have an idea for TOTW, PM me. Lets discuss it and you can post it and direct the flow of that thread. How bout it? Anyone?
I have learned a lot about lighting and placement of zoas and the importance of flow. Back when I started I just went with the mantra of low placement and whatever the flow was it was.
From this forum I have learned nearly everything I know about Zoas!! I constantly read through the Zoanthid Forum searching for information on placement, lighting, and feeding. Probably the best thing I have taken away from this forum in particular is an appreciation for seasoned aquarists who have been in the hobby for years and are so kind to offer their thoughts and techniques!! Thank you so much!!
i've been posting for less than 24 hours and have learned 10x as much as i've learned about zoas in the past 2 years.
QUESTION - What have you gained/learned from this forum...
You mean besides the fact that coral pricing is nuts...? :)

I've picked up some interesting anecdotal evidence about what affects zoanthid growth, along with a desire to do some testing and study to try and turn anecdotal evidence into confirmed fact. Time and money are the limiting factors right now.


i've been posting for less than 24 hours and have learned 10x as much as i've learned about zoas in the past 2 years.

that is awesome:dance:.

For me I learned about the proper protocols on treatments and have executed them with much success (dips/foran).
I have to say- Ive gotten 99.9% of my zoanthid info from here at RC. I have learned alot, over the past 3 years-

Lets start with dips- There are many dips available for polyps available these days. Dipping polyps (if not quarentined) is highly recomended, as polyps tend to hold a large variety of nuisence hitchikers. I will go through a few-

Fresh water dip- just fresh (preferably RO) water. Use a buffer to get ph the same as your tank water. Dip for 5 minutes, swish agressivly, and return to tank. Side not on freshwater dips- not recomended on palys/protopalys. Can result in melting. Most recomended for zoanthids only.

Lugols- an antiseptic (after fragging) and a nudi/flatworm dip- can be used with fresh water or saltwater. Use 1-5 drops per gallon. Soak for 5 minutes, swish around agressivly, rince in seperate tank water, return to tank.

Revive- for nudis, flatworms and antiseptic for damaged coral- follow instructions on bottle.

Tropic marin coral pro (TMCP)- for spiders, nudis, asterinas, flatworms- follow instructions on bottle.

hydrogen peroxide- brown fungus and white paste infestation- Gently brush off fungus. Mix tank water and peroxide, 1 equal part each. Dip for 5 minutes, swish agressivly, rince with seperate tank water and return to tank.

Formaline dip-protazoan infestation. Use 1 ml per liter of sea water. Dip and swish, rinse in clean salt water, and add to tank.

Furan-2-zoa pox/fungus. Disolve one pill in one cup of freshly made saltwater. Dip for 15-20 minutes. Rinse in unmedicated saltwater and add back to the tank. Do this dip once a day, for 3 consecutive days. Give your polyps a 5-7 day resting period before doing it again if the pox persists after the first round of dipping.

Zoas not opening- there are many reasons for this to happen. I will go through a few-

Aclimation- zoas can be very sensitive to new tanks/parameters/flow/lights. Until they are aclimated, when newly added to a tank, they can at times take a very long time to open.

Predators/irritators- zoas will close when being bothered. If your zoas close up, and dont open, take a really close look at the cosed polyps for nudis, flatworms, asterinas, spiders, bristol worms, algea, vermitid snails, and fungus. Also includes hermits and snails that have traveled through the polyps. Pretty much anything that could be touching the polyp, or brushing against it to make it close.

PH and alk and temperature swings- All of these are known to bother zoas and somtimes close them up.

Fungus, bacterias and zoa pox- Look for any kind of sponge or paste material in your polyps. Also watch for white bumps/lesions on the stalks of your polyps.

Light shock- it can close up, and also bleach, polyps if time isnt taken to aclimate them to new, higher output lighting.

Nipping/perching- Some fish (along with many considered reef safe) might develop a tendancy to nip/eat polyps. Some of these include- Tangs, rabit fish, butterflys, and angels, and also sally lightfoot and emerald crabs. All have been known to develop a taste for polyps. Not saying they will, but can. Others have the tendancy to perch on polyps, causing them to close up. Some of these include- Blennies, dragonettes, and hawkfish.

Stray voltage- This will irritate zoas into closing up.

How can I tell the difference between zoas/palys?- Palys will have grains/particles of sand in their tissue as a zoa polyp will not.

Polyps are reaching/stretching- There a a couple reasons for this. One is lighting. They are reaching for more light. Another is they need more flow. The last one is its their specific characteristic. Some palys naturaly have very long stalks.

Fragging polyps- There are many ways to go about fragging polyps. When fragging polyps, it is wise to use "safety first". Use hand, eye and mouth protection. It can be very easy to get a bacteria infection while fragging polyps. You can get cut, get squirted in the eye/mouth and inhale some nasty stuff while cutting through rock. Also, hand washing afterwards is very important. The basics of getting polyps off a rock/plug is to cut the conecting mat from the polyps you wish to frag, then cut/chisel/pry the polyps off the rock underneath the mat, leaving a layer of rock underneath. You can also cut strait through a rock and cut a colony into peices, just cutting the mat that conects them together. You can then use superglue gel to mount your fragged peice to a rock/plug. Be carfull with the glue. You dont want to acidentaly get the glue on the head of the polyp. It will not be able to open.

Polyp placment- In general, unless you can figure out the lighting scheme of the tank the polyps came from, there is a very good way to find out the best placment for your polyps. Start the new additions on the bottom. Let them get used to your tank and lights. If they astert to lose their vibrance of color, or are generally unhappy, move them up bit by bit, over a period of time, till their color, growth and general look to them gives you the impresion that they are happy in their spot. If they close up on you, and dont open up for an unknown reason, they might have to be lowered in your tank.

General tank husbandry for polyps- Polyps, in general, like (but dont always need) a high light source. Most polyps love light, with a few exeptions. They also need a clean tank (low no3 and po4) to retain vibrant colors. High nutrients levels (food sources) will provide a suitable environment for polyps to grow well in. Dont let the phrase "high nutrient" fool you into thinking a dirty tank. It is not the case, although polyps can and will live in just about any water/light condition you put them in. They just grow/look better in certain conditions.

Morphing- Under different lighting, flow, temp, parameter, and placement conditions, zoanthids can and will morph. Their colors, lenght and skirts will change to suit the conditions of your tank.

Thx RC, and all you zoa heads out there for sharing so much info!!!
SIR PATRICK---dude...awesome write up. That should be sticky material.

While I am not a huge zoanthid keeper, I enjoy the zoanthid forum. This week I picked up a couple ideas that may contribute to keeping zoanthids.

1. Addition of vitamin C may do more harm than actual good.
2. That placing one colony of zoanthids next to another may assist in promoting growth secondary to competition.

Lastly and most important, the zoanthids image sticky is a dangerous thing.
I have recently learned that there are many more reefers out there who feel as passonate as I do about the plague of high prices and tiny frags in this hobby today! :mad2:

On a side note the zoa forum here on reef central, as well as the rest of the site, is a very great place. I have learned many things from reading articles and posts alike. From better husbandry techniques, to more in depth water chemisty, this forum has it all.

I find myself learning new things constantly, or relearning things from the past that I have forgotten about. This is a great place for newbies to learn, as well as seasoned reefers to learn new things and brush up on their knowledge...

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I will give a thumbs up since I enjoy discussing rather than just looking.

Many things but the #1 is this should be for enjoyment and that one should not allow the headaches of others drive you away from something that you like or even love.

Oh and that whole cat being skinned thing has been confirmed.
I have learned quite a bit here this week!
1. How to treat zoas with fungus with dipping.
2. The importance of placing zoas in adequate lighting and flow. Also, the size and build of the polyp depicts where it should be placed.
3. Many people have different opinions that should be looked at from every angle with an open mind.
4. People are very passionate about certain subjects and for that I respect them.


Taking care of the beautifal colors of these animals takes patience, but is so much fun:

trust nobody-- dip every thing you bring into your tank

dirty water doesn't mean you can't see through it :twitch:

check the tank, colony by colony every day

Every tank with zoanthids should have a wrasse that loves to hunt

Keep reading and keep learning
I give the topic of the week a :thumbsup: ; but I have to admit Mooch that I was thinking to myself, Wow! this guy has a topic for discussion for every week of the year - that is indeed impressive. LOL, glad to see you asking for help/suggestions.

Personally what I've learned is that there are lots of knowledgable and helpful people here on RC, but many of them don't come out or at least over to the zoa forum too often.

The archives here have broadened my knowledge on zoas and palys significately, as well as my knowledge of how to successfully keep these uniquely interesting and colorful animals.
Not to sound cocky, but yes, I could come up with a topic each week. Some serious and some lighthearted ones as well. I think we should make it every other week though to give the threads time to develope and a good exchange of information and discussion. Suggestions are coming in and I wanted to make it a group effort instead of me doing this. Someone is already on tap for the next topic of the week. The torch will continually pass to the next person thereby getting more and more reefers involved.

OK, back on topic.....LOL, I'm talking to myself, LOL;)

Mucho Reef
I have learned what zoa's are from here. The forum has been probably the best place that I have to research to find out how to take care and maintain. The help from people here on RC, when I have asked, has always been great and right on the mark for me. The latest thing that I might tryout is the 4hr lighting period to see how the zoa's do.
Not to sound cocky, but yes, I could come up with a topic each week. Some serious and some lighthearted ones as well. I think we should make it every other week though to give the threads time to develope and a good exchange of information and discussion. Suggestions are coming in and I wanted to make it a group effort instead of me doing this. Someone is already on tap for the next topic of the week. The torch will continually pass to the next person thereby getting more and more reefers involved.

OK, back on topic.....LOL, I'm talking to myself, LOL;)

Mucho Reef

Geesh! Way to sound like you know it all. Unbelievable. :)
Geesh! Way to sound like you know it all. Unbelievable. :)

Well, if you look at the number of posts and the content thereof he's got in here, you might think he really does :wildone:

I'd like to give the TOTW a :thumbsup:

In regards to what I've learned...well, the past couple weeks I've learned how skimmers and overflows work...which is to say really *how* they operate as opposed to "well the overflow makes the water go into the sump". I've also learned that all zoanthids are not necessarily the same, despite generally similar physical forms, and can have a much wider array of demands w/r/t lighting and flow than I originally presumed. As of reading this post, SIR PATRICK has given me a ton more knowledge about more direct health-related things. On the whole, I learn vast amounts of new stuff every day, and I love it :D
I have learned that reguardless how dysfunctional our zoa family can be at times. Im happy to see the passion people have for these little flowers of love and the zoa forum comming back from the dead.

No i didnt take anything this morning and its not 5:00 yet. :beer:

And Pat thanks for that post/sticky much needed :smokin: