I was fragging my red hornets and one got torn. I was wondering if it will recover and if I should dip it in pure iodine for a couple minutes or the suggested strength of revive for a couple minutes or possibly furon 2.
zoas are very hardy and can withstand alot. i had polyps that looked aweful after fragging and they came back. give it time to heal and i think it should be ok. if i did that to my red hornet, i would be worried too. hehe i haven't fragged mine yet and i am scared to do it.
i wouldnt dip it or anything. i'd might move it to a low flow area to it doesnt get bounced around from the flow and so it can heal. good luck with it.
I frequently tear mine to frag them. Sometimes it's valuable aogs that would break some of your hearts, but they usually end up fine. If youre worried about losing 1 polyp while fragging, I don't think your coral is ready to be fragged. jmo. It sounds like youre already on your way to recovery.
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