Transport question


New member
Planning an upcoming trip across the rockies to grab some of those nice corals we don't see round these parts...

Drive wise, we're talking a good 12hrs; and there'll probably be 8 -10 visiting/shopping/trading.

Was planning to put a small system together for the back of the car (rubbermaid, small cannister with lots of carbon, heater run off an inverter). Rocky mountains/ mountain roads should be plenty adequate for water movement :lol:

Then it dawned on me... 3 changes in water temps/levels in 24ish hours. Is that asking for more trouble than to just leave them bagged, floating in a tub?

Any thoughts?

Man they get shipped all the time for 24hrs + I think you could just leave them in a bag with plenty of water and be fine. It will be a cool coral getting experience.

Have fun and get some nice ones...
my $.02

my $.02

I am by no means an expert, but I am doing the same thing. I am here in St. Louis and I found a store that was selling SPS frags for $35 adn it was buy two get one free. So I bought. The man at the store told me that a coral in a bag packed right would last about 20 -24 hours.

I think that since you are not putting them in a bag but rather putting them in a more open type set up you should be fine. I would only worry about the temp. Is there anyway you can hook up a heater?